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Changelings are blank
  The Faceless Rule the fledgling empire as a shadowy cabal of rarely seen councilers.
  Changeling houses. The modern changeling houses were formed from the ashes of the older houses most of whom burned during the The Summer Of Daggers
  The Nameless Few: Origin. How they are made, or trained, or summoned is a closely guarded secret unknown to most. Some claim that aspiring changelings devoted to The Laughing God are selected, and bestowed with part of his power. This process wipes all traces of personality from them, replacing it by a cruel loyalty to their patron. Like The Faceless themselves they were only known to exist during the end of the Summer Of Many Daggers. During that time the nameless few were used to bring the more arrogant, or powerful houses under The Faceless’ banner.
  Modern Place. As the Laughing God’s avatars on Yaroth, The Nameless Few are involved in only the most important of missions and conspiracies.
  Society. Non Existent, or completely unknown.
  Beliefs. Loyalty to the Laughing God.
  Abilities. The only known Changelings who are capable of ignoring the limits of their own shape-shifting abilities, the Nameless Few can become larger or smaller as needed. So great is their ability to shapeshift that the Nameless Few can even gain inherent magical abilities unique to the race they are replicating, like a dragon’s breath. The greatest of them is called The Grinning Hydra who can reportedly transform into multiple different creatures at once. Gaining the physical resistance of an earth elemental, while having multiple heads each from a different creature. If “The Grinning Hydra” even exists is not known, as it may simply have been a purposeful feint in order to scare people into submission.


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