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Dwarven Artificers

Dwarven Alchemists

  Dwarven Alchemists grew naturally from siege engineers who sought to utilize vile chemical compounds to better assault their foes. As such, most alchemists have some knowledge of engineering, even if the two groups couldn't seem further apart from one another. They are further divided between those who seek to heal and empower and those who wish to give extra senses, or skills to other dwarves through strange means. Though initially embraced by the clan council due to the wild promises of the Order of The Sacred Vial's first grandmaster. Eventually, the cruel experiments performed by them would come to light, prompting the dwarf to flee retribution. While they still live, the other alchemists who seek to use alchemy to alter one’s self are shunned as possible spies. Those who don't indulge in such experimentation are usually favored much higher and have considerably more options for advancement when compared to their peers.  

Dwarven Armorers

  Dwarven Armorers have a dark history but are still much valued in modern society despite this. Originally coming about due to a cruel spell unleashed by a drow high wizard, the afflicted dwarves found parts of their bodies turned to metal. Though it killed many, those who survived found that they were stronger, tougher, and able to go days without rest. Further alteration and experimentation allowed this process to be replicated in others to mixed results. Primarily used as a way to replace missing or damaged limbs with metal alternatives, a Dwarven Flesh Smith is never short of work. There is always a risk, however, as those original survivors almost all contracted The Flesh Scorn. This disease saw the afflicted believe that their metal parts were natural, and the flesh part alien. Eventually, they would cut off one or more limbs to obtain further alteration, even though doing so killed a good number of them. The only known treatment to have any effect is to keep the afflicted individual inside a suit of armor so complete that flesh is no longer visible. This only treats the underlying condition, however, as should they remove their armor for any reason they will find themselves all but compelled to remove the flesh through any means available.  
by Paizo

Dwarven Artilerists

  Dwarven Artillerists are another group that came about due to the evolution of siege engineering. Unfortunately, they don't have access to the more stable forms of gunpowder that those on the surface have. As such, they have to utilize the more unstable Xir Crystal which are ground down, and placed in a pool of water along with other ingredients. It then ‘ferments’ for a week before becoming a thick muddy brown paste that explodes violently when exposed to fire. Though there are many uses for this 'Block Putty' as it's called, it must be kept within a metal container lest it get too hot and explode. Due to how easily it explodes, only the truly mad sign up to wield a blast stick and slay their foes with fire and fury.      

Dwarven Battle Smiths

  Dwarven Battle Smiths are usually part of one of three groups, their affiliation varying as wildly as their operation style and skills. Clan Frostbane are surface dwarves who have a long history of serving as wandering healers who specialize in patrolling the mountains. Be it rescuing a wayward mountaineer, or aiding against a raid, these dwarves are stern, noble, and known for keeping a small keg of beer with them at all times. This beverage, called Firebrew by the dwarves is known to give strength to even the most frostbitten individual, and if that fails, their steel defenders can carry the individual out with ease.   The Stoutkin are a loose collective of mercenaries who do what they can to aid the most individuals possible. Seen as unpatriotic and undwarflike due to their willingness to assist other races, the Stoutkin care little for race, creed, or country of origin. If you require the assistance of a healer, and their steel defender then you can count on them to give it all for a low price. Lacking in offensive capabilities, they usually join larger mercenary companies for protection with the stipulation being that they cannot stop the Stoutkin from rendering aid to whomever they wish to render it to.   Clan Sternsong are a formerly chaired clan (Great Clan) that no longer has any say in greater clan politics. Striped of this privilege when their previous patriarch attempted a coup, the plot was uncovered by the youngest daughter of the clan’s former leader. Since then, the ‘First Daughter’ as she is now known, has gone to great lengths to restore the honor of her family. To do so, she has recruited several minor families who have lost most if not all of their male members. Since then she has trained them to take the dual oaths of redemption and vengeance. Their steel defenders are much more offensive-oriented, and their healing always comes at a price of either a promise of aid or more immediate payment.    

Dwarven Archivist

  The loss of many a Deephold has dramatically set back dwarven cultural and scientific advancements. None have felt this loss quite as keenly as Royal Order Of Archivists who first made Copper Crystals but moved onto Keeper Crystals, which were far more successful. These keeper crystals are able to learn any information presented to them, and left with a book it will absorb the material in only a few short minutes. Possessing a limited intelligence, it is able to serve as an aide slash recorder to an archivist, though it is not intelligent enough to weild a weapon or inhabit a form larger then a small cat. The only way it can defend itself is through beaming a significant amount of junk information directly into the opponent's mind at the behest of its master. Though this function was never intended, some dwaren artificers have gone on to explore the posibility of using these creatures as a psychic weapon of sorts. This prospect is enticing but not allowed, with the royal order concerned with the possibility of another copper crystal outbreak.    


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