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Forgotten Beast

All Forgotten Beasts are created by The Dark Ones though why is still left up to speculation. Some have speculated that these creatures are would be leaders or experiments cast off by their creators. There is some evidence that these monsters may also come about due to a maladjusted adaptation creating a mindless abomination that can no longer be controlled by their higher ups. Regardless of why, each is a large hulking creature with many different sometimes seemingly impossible characteristics. Such as a skinless bipedal cow with a fleshless skull, large hulking arms and whose breath causes any who inhale it to rapidly turn to copper.   Mind  Those forgotten beasts created by the mind brood tend to be more fishlike, and though a mere animal, have at least the cunning of an able predator. They most often have flippers, gills, and are capable of utilizing webs, mucous, acid, and the like.   Body Those forgotten beasts created by the body brood tend to be more animistic and though a mere animal are abnormally aggressive. They can have any property that a land dwelling creature may have and usually several of them at the same time. Most often they resemble amalgamations of various creatures, and often lack any ability such as webs, utilizing on pure strength with the exception being poisonous gas or toxic blood.   Spirit Those forgotten beasts created by the Spirit Brood tend to be some of the smallest, and most uniform, with the majority appearing to be a tall, bipedal creature with insectoid eyes, an elongated neck, and spongey grey flesh. Though physicly strong, they rarely have any other special abilities, but they are the only ones capable of working together with others of their misbegotten kind. While capable of tool usage their true intelligence is not known as they seem to avoid conflict. These Sarpaadons are not the only result though, as those forgotten beasts that are made by the spirit brood are most likely to be made entirely from a mushroom-like substance.    Shadow Those forgotten beasts created by the Shadow Brood are usually wormlike, resembling slugs, blobs, or twisted masses of limbs not quite uniform in appearance. These odd abominations usually still retain some vague features of the creature or creatures they used to be and are known to cry out as if in pain or confusion. This is unlikely to be a true remnant of intelligence however, as by this time the brain has been completely consumed. Regardless, they are terrifying foes who seem to have an uncanny ability to locate and hunt down other thinking, feeling creatures no matter the distance. They are feared not only for the terrifying implications of their cries, but also the deadly dust that nearly all of them exude constantly.   Crown Those forgotten beasts created by the Crown Brood are all mechanical, but wrong in some way. Where the Uncrowned Princes are uniform, and perfectly symetrical, their forgotten beasts contain some manner of imperfection. They also wander aimlessly, seemingly mindless until they encounter another thinking creature. When this happens they attack relentlessly, utilizing their enormous metal bulk to shrug off while belching fire, gouts of super hot steam and using their multidous limbs to sweep away their targets.


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