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Giants: Myths and History

  If one were to ask what giants remain, what happened to them, and their species in general they would not know. They would point to a catastrophe of some kind, a plague, or meteor impact that saw the destruction of their megacity, the capital that some giants claim covered most of Yaroth. At its heart great metal structures rose high into the sky, but were cast down by some event in the long past that saw the collapse of these buildings as well as giant society. What giant scholars that do exist claim the iron Iron Mesa as evidence of this ancient giant-dominated city.  

Fomorians/Hooded Giants

  Fomorians are or perhaps were descendants of prisoners from the times of the great giant city of the past. The great size of these former prisoners has prompted some to assume that these precursor giants are why the first cavern layer of the Underdark resembles an enormous prison. Few points lead to the world above, or below before they were either created through natural means such as earthquakes or through unnatural means like tunneling. How the hooded giants have survived there for long enough to devolve into a new and horrendous species is not wholly known, but delving into the cyclopean depths of the prison complexes has revealed mushroom farms large enough to support a fair-sized city, as well as higher-than-normal ambient mana. It's this high mana content and the Hooded Giant's natural ability to consume the stuff without much in the way of side effects that point towards them being able to live by supplementing their diet with raw mana. Though highly survivable, they have a poor ability to actually manipulate mana, especially when it comes to higher-tier spells which they seem completely unable to accomplish. The hooded giants are also generally cruel, spiteful, and eager to backstab one another to gain an advantage in any conflict. Even separated across great distances, these gangs of giants have a similar belief system of duplicity and cruelty. That isn't to say they are all evil, or that all hooded giants will betray you at a moment's notice, as there have been gangs who are neutral and even good, but they are in the minority. Millenia spent in cramped corridors, struggling for scraps in the dark, their jailors having left them behind and thrown away the key, the hooded giants have done what they needed to survive and their culture represents this ancient struggle.   A warning to all adventurers: It is considered impolite to stare, and should something happen for their hood to fall, best avert your gaze. You may lose your lunch, or if you're caught staring, you may lose your head.  
  More coming soon.


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