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Haedath’s Chosen

(see Dwarves) War Clerics, or Haedath’s Chosen‌ are disciples of one of the greatest generals ever to command an army. Born during the first climb when the dwarves fled the encroaching darkness, he grew up on the move, and was immediately thrust into battle when they met the Dark Elves/Drow‌. For two hundred years he fought them, rising up through the ranks, until becoming part of the first triumvirate, a ruling council of generals who commanded the dwarven nation during this time. His true rise to power would happen only five short years into his tenure during a time of relative peace. His fellow council members were unexpectedly assassinated, and Hadaeth himself escaped with severe scarring. The experience had imparted a strange sort of wisdom, however, with Hadaeth glimpsing a realm of pure war. The sight disgusted him, pushing the dwarf to beat back the drow and finally secure peace for his people. Though wildly successful he eventually ran out of supplies and soldiers during a prolonged campaign and was killed. Not before creating an opening for his closest lieutenants to escape however, who went on to found the order of Haedath’s Chosen, one part military school, and one part religious institution, they are a powerful political body in modern dwarven politics.


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