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The Hexed Hammer

The Hexed Hammer (or the hammers as they call themselves)
  Primarily wield blunt weapons and heavy armor. Initially an adventuring company, their leader Dronan the destroyer lost all his allies, and acquired Earthbreaker, his hammer. Though strong, Dronan was not known for charisma, though after emerging with his new weapon he acquired a silver tongue and a desire to spread his influence. Though not evil, Dronan cares little for where his recruits come from. Bandits who surrender to him are given new names and are locked in penance armor while new recruits from towns are locked into long contracts or brainwashed. Either way, the cult of personality is strong within the hammers and most would not hesitate to carry out one of Dronan’s orders.
  Seeing this desire to dominate Lucretia Delacroix The Order of the Eternal Rose approached them directly in an attempt to get them to work with her. Little is known of that first meeting, save for the fact that a fight broke out and somehow Lucretia came out the winner. Ever since then, Dronan has displayed a slavish devotion to the woman whom he follows eagerly.


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