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The Scarlet Order

Lawful Evil The Scarlet Order
  Group Formation. An ancient vampiric order of mercenaries, and knights, the order was relatively small and inconsequential in human politics. That changed when they became one of the few vampire clans to successfully escape The Longest Day when many such groups were routed out and killed en masse by The Nightbound. Warned of this event before it could happen by a former employer who had been saved by a scarlet order bodyguard decades earlier, the order was able to flee in time. Since then the Scarlet Order has been quick to rebuild within the territories of The Scaled Lords, and the swamplands of the east. There they were welcomed, and no longer needed to hide their vampiric heritage behind a mask of humanity.
  Mission. Masters of the process of ghoulification, the Scarlet Order sell and create highly personalized ghoul bodyguards for clients both big and small. The Scarlet Order also offers the services of vampiric legions, bands, and individual soldiers. Regardless of the size, or specificity of the job one can always trust the order to carry out their orders to a T. Ethics are secondary to the contract, which is the only law, or rule the Scarlet Order cares about. Functioning as one part knightly order intent on preserving vampire society, and one part mercenary company, they ultimately yearn to gain enough power and influence to create a small kingdom built by and for vampires.
  Group Organization. Made up of five families who were nearly hunted to extinction and joined together in order to save themselves, these lines have grown blurred in the last centuries. Originally there were the Delarosa, Morvant, Vossen, Lesserd, and Nyzen families though blood streangths are shared equally due to centuries of interbreeding. Few care to track their familial heritage and associate more closely with the Scarlet Order than any one family. Each order outpost is ruled by a tribunal made up of five of the eldermost members. These elders control everything within the outpost and are ultimately the ones who choose to allow new members into their ranks. These initiates are usually chosen from other knightly orders, or militaries, and groomed into submitting themselves to take the test where they fight a specialized ghoul. If they win, they are brought into the fold, and then blood bonded with the rest of the order, ensuring that they are loyal not to their sire, but to the order’s elders.
  Leader. Only three of the five original progenitors of the five families escaped and continue to exist to this day. These three individuals rule together, creating a tetrarch of sorts.
  Recent History. A recent string of high-profile assassinations has recently increased the demand for an immortal, ever-watching bodyguard whose loyalty cannot be bought, and who cannot be distracted.
  Opinion/Enemies. The Nightbound are sworn enemies of all lycanthropes, vampires, and other creatures of the night. The Scarlet Order is also only welcomed in the scale lands, gensai provinces, and eastern swamplands. Elsewhere they are at most tolerated, but are usually hunted.

Through the blood we are made whole.

Military Order


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