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Thunder Armor

  History:   Modern Use:     Under construction: (See Dwarven Barbarians for more info) Those who walk the path of the juggernaut do so with the aid of Thunder Armor, an ancient war plate design that has not been produced by dwarves for millennia. Though powerful, and fully encases the dwarf from head to foot, and even has such a perfect seal that the dwarf inside is immune to harmful gasses, no one knows what was used to power it. Without this critical component, the armor is simply too heavy to be useful, while also taking hours to fully remove. In addition, it's breathing function does not work without power, thus any dwarf that managed to actually move around in it would soon asphyxiate. All these factors mean that it is largely useless, though they weren't abandoned or scrapped due to the sheer power they represent should they finally be reactivated and a power source created. They were also nearly indestructible, and melting them down was considered not worth the effort. So they sat in a warehouse for centuries, gathering dust in uncountable number. That was until a large trading hub that was storing a number of these suits was sieged by a rogue Dark Tide and nearly overwhelmed. The defenders, unprepared for such a sudden attack, scrambled for arms and armor. In their desperation, they tried to modify the thunder armor to be usable. To do so they removed the large backpack, reduced the weight as much as possible, and removed the hoses for the rebreather, unsealing the armor but allowing its wearer to breathe. Even still, very few dwarves were actually strong enough to move in the armor, with only those who walked the path of the barbarian able to do so. Pivotal in the battle, these juggernauts would go on to prove themselves again and again in future battles, particularly during sieges.


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