Eäviël, the druid of Bazira

Eäviël is the youngest and newest member of Yuya's adventuring party and one the most important members of this famous group. Currently she is the only living member of the original 5 members.  


Eäviël comes from an illustrious family of magicians from Bazira devoted of the goddess Tyr. She assisted the Academy of Magic of the city when she was 40 years old but her studies were interrupted by the outbreak of the great civil war between the Southern elves and the subsequent Oronai intervention and conquest. After these conflicts she resumed her studies, graduating as a druid in 586 AP.   Due to her thirst for curiosity, Ëaviël decided to go out and see the world in search of a purpose for her powers and for her life. She soon proved to be a skilled healer, helping the villages along the upper reaches of the Parana River. Her only weakness was her shyness. Her work assisting the villagers allowed her to get by but nothing more, so, attracted by the rumors about the Adventurer's Guild of Banias, she decided to join in order to finally fulfill her purpose of being useful and earn more money.  

Joining Yuya's adventurer party

Eäviël joined Yuya's party a couple of years after their adventures in Unhellion, after unsuccessfully trying to join several parties. Yuya and Nelli stated many years later that they saw themselves reflected in the young elf sorceress. She quickly proved herself to be a brilliant sorceress and, above all, an excellent healer, and a very useful companion with a deep knowledge of magic and dungeons.   Over the course of so many adventures she grew fond of Flavius the Blatian finally falling in love with him and marrying him in 636 AP. The happy couple enjoyed 32 years together until Flavius's death in 668 AP of old age. The couple had 3 sons (Demetrius, Flavius "the Younger" and Alcaeus) and one daughter (Sibylla) . Of these four, only Demetrius inherited Eäviël's job as both a druid and an adventurer.

Changes in personality

So many years of adventuring, facing danger, watching her friends being injured or being on the verge of death left a mark on the young druid. The death of her husband was especially hard on her. Eäviël never remarried and decided to pause her adventurer career to take care of her children for 50 years during which, apart from educating and caring for them, she also worked as a magic teacher and receptionist at the Adventurer's Guild.   In 719 AP Eäviël became an adventurer again alongside Nelli, who was her best friend since she joined the group so long ago. Together they cleared many dungeons and rescued people from monsters. It is said that Eöviël herself killed an orc warlord in single combat.   And during that time she also dedicated himself to training his youngest son, Demetrios in the art of magic associated with nature and the forest. And to be honest, during all that time, Eöviël had to rescue his son from some mess more than once. The young shy druid became a veteran, courageous and extrovert warrior and adventurer who, apart from using his magic scepter, she specialized in fighting with daggers and also a very kind and caring mother who transmited these values to her children.  
  • What are we goin to do with Demetrius, my dear?. I mean, he is brave, intelligent but sometimes too much impulsive, he reminds me of someone... Alcaeus is always complaining about having to save him from some mess, either because he got into trouble with the guild or because he entered into a dungeon waaay above his current power level.
  • I saw that, I had to help him a couple of months ago
  • Yeah... wa...wait?, you did WHAT?, I mean... how?
  • The magical mirrors, darling
  • Yes... well, our son entered one of those ruined temples, he got lost in a labyrinth and I had to guide him out of there and meet up with his companions so he could defeat the dungeon boss. I would have preferred to have met again in a better situation. By the way, he's grown up a lot, right? How long has it been since the last time? 10? 20 years?.I reproached him that he has not come to visit my grave for a long time!
  • Yes, Our little blond devil has become quite a man...
    — Ëaviël talking with the spirit of Flavius during the Day of the Dead.
  • Eäviël always had a great sense of humor, even when she was more shy. But as time went by, and perhaps thanks to her friends, Eöviël became very good at telling jokes and messing with her friends. She also knew how to use this ability in combat, since apart from using magic she also liked to provoke her enemies.  
    I've a question for you, Did your parents thought you were like an onion when you were born and so they decided to give you a hairstyle like that?, I mean, do you orcs have hairdressers to begin with?, because you desperately need to visit one, if you survive our encounter of course!.

    Physical appearance

      In her youth She was quite thin but at the same time very agile. One of the most famous features was her beautiful brown eyes, and her long blonde hair and pale skin (like many elves) . Eäviël liked to to wear her sorceress's cap as a symbol of her role as an expert magician (apart from serving as protection against the harsh sun of Southern Teria). Eäviël also liked to change her hairstyle once each month , but as she grew older she got tired of changing his hairstyle so much. Her basic outfit was her white mage robes that she got when she graduated.

    Young Eäviël by Callyxtus

    When She grew older she began to put her hair into a large braid and began wearing darker clothing. She even went so far as to enter dungeons wearing Oronai-style iron armor.


    Eäviël, the druid of Bazira


    Towards Flavius the Blatian


    Flavius the Blatian


    Towards Eäviël, the druid of Bazira


    Lawful Good
    Current Location
    Year of Birth
    500 AP 320 Years old
    Long, Blonde
    Skin Tone/Pigmentation
    Pale white
    Aligned Organization
    Other Affiliations

    Cover image: by Callyxtus
    Character Portrait image: by Callyxtus


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    Jul 27, 2024 15:41 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

    I love that she took some time off to raise her kids, and then went back to adventuring. :)