The Banquet of the Heroes

Legend tells us that after Dorstulon, the city of the Ten Walls was liberated and king Euron was restored on his throne all the victorious heroes shared a final victory banquet before each one of them departed for their homes.   Myth says that King Euron only had wine and mead to offer, as he had been expelled from his homeland. The Heroes of the coalition were very fond of the old man and agreed to go outside to hunt or gather food for the banquet. This itself is almost an entire circle of myths and stories telling the adventures these heroes went through to get the food (sometimes from mythological creatures).  

The Heroes quest for food

  Neseus, the King of the Great Plains, is said to have hunt a fire-breathing buffalo said to have been born from a volcano that was used by the god of death either as a means of transport or as a pack animal to move his chariot in the underworld.   King Tecilder of the Western Elves hunted a couple of golden pheasants with his bow, and the myth also tells us that he made a crown and also decorated his helmet with their beautiful feathers. Meanwhile Iccida, who was the daughter of the elven goddess of Music played her flute making fruits appear from the trees. So she brought delicious oranges, bananas, watermelons and mangos to the banquet.   King Girzius of the Snow elves, alongside his brother Ulzur travelled to the lands that are today Adhel and hunted some antelopes there. Then they traveled a little further north, to the frozen lands where they hunted an ice lion, and the ice from its body served as a cooler for the wine.   Bulgur, king of the dwarves was injured during the final assault and couldn't go hunting but with his smithing skills he created the platinum tableware on which the banquet was served.  
King Davidion hunted a Chimera, and his his skin he decorated both the table and the floor of the tent (or room, here the myth's version differ) where the banquet took place. One of his sons, here also the myth differ, either Kuchi or Ikarus hunted a giant snake that was terrorizing the human villages west of the Sun mountains.
by Peter Denis
This thing tastes like chicken, if not for the size of this dish my friend, I'd thought I was eating another of Tecilder's pheasants!
— Bulgur King of the Dwarves

The Banquet

  After all the heroes had returned the food was prepared and songs, tears and rememberance of the fallen comrades, laughter, dancing became a common sight in that banquet hall. It is said that Iccida's flute made the souls of the fallen heroes appear for a moment, who greeted and congratulated their comrades who had survived.   Bonds of friendship that had been forged during the war were strengthened in the almost 10 days that the banquet is said to have lasted. On the last day the heroes began the banquet by making a libation in honor of the gods, after which Abbon Shabai, Tyr, Zerah, Godyna and Psephone appeared to the heroes and it is believed that they shared the banquet with them. In the end the King of the Gods reminded them that it was time to return to their families and reign in their countries with wisdom, fighting against evil and injustice.  

The end of the Saga

  The banquet is the final part of the history of the Siege of Dorstulon, after that, with the farewell of the heroes and the oath of friendship to King Euron, the cicle of the Return of the Heroes begins. Many centuries after the war, due to their long lifespan, many heroes met each other again and shared memories from those 10 wonderful days.   One beautiful story tells us that after having crossing the Suris Strait with his people, Kuchi was visited by an old man Tecilder and his son Eureus, and went out to hunt pheasants to remind his old friend of those glorious days, but he found none. However, he found a bird of unparalleled beauty, a peacock, which he hunted and served to the king of the West Elves with these words:
"I would, old friend, offer you the golden-feathered bird, the one that your aim and the wisdom of the gods chose to satisfy us when Dorstulon was liberated, but fate has willed that I, the son of Davidion, have hunted for you, on the occasion of such a happy reunion, this bird, which is said to have been named by the goddess Tyr as the most beautiful of birds."
  Tecilder and Eureus were amazed at the beauty of the bird, and with tears in his eyes, the old king of the elves exclaimed:  
"May the gods, oh king of the most pious among men, protect you from all evil and give you many more years of life, because this gesture, offering me the most beautiful animal in your kingdom as food, is the most beautiful that can exist between friends and is the noblest way of honoring such an elderly guest. May the monarchs of heaven, who rule the destinies of mortals, also wish that my children and yours be friends and loyal companions forever."

Cover image: by Museo Arqueológico Nacional


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Jul 22, 2024 18:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love this story. Reminds me a little of the twelve tasks of Heracles, except with yummy food at the end.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
Aug 18, 2024 19:29

I'm so happy that you liked it!!. I was indeed inspired by ancient greek Myths, the Twelve Tasks of Heracles was one of them (as well as the Trojan War) .

Aug 18, 2024 12:18

Oh, I'm so impressed by the short little myths about the heroes' search for food, which are wonderfully connected to the great legend of the banquet. This shows wonderfully how steeped in history the culture is, similar to the Greeks, who wrote down a considerable treasure of many myths. Great.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 18, 2024 19:30

Thank you so much for your wonderful comment!. As I said to Emy I was indeed inspired by the ancient greek myths and how they influenced their culture!, so you guessed right!!.