The Masked Ones

The Masked ones are a peculiar monastic order belonging to the Reformed Church . They were founded in the Grand Duchy of Liwal, and They are an example of escape from the outside world and rejection of individuality in favor of the collective. Their most stricking feature are the masks made of wicker and their grey habits.   They are also known as the "beekeepers" because their masks resemble those of beekeepers. And because one of their main jobs is that one. They sell honey or candles made of wax to the pilgrims who visit their monastery as a way to make money to maintain their buildings and make a living.  

Spread of the Order in the North of Yeia

As it has been said, the Order of the Masked Ones was created in the Grand Duchy of Liwal in 492 AP, almost two centuries after the Grand Duchy adopted the Reformed Church as its official religion. Their status as an order recognized by the Church was confirmed by the leader of the faith, Blatian Emperor Eutychius I.   In 581 AP they even founded a small monastery in Blati, near the foreign quarter. In the late 7th century Witharfia also converted to the faith, and the first order that began spreading the message of the prophet and building the first monasteries in the kingdom were the Masked ones.  

A charitable order

Aside of selling candles and honey, one of the main tasks of the Masked Ones, aside of praying, copying books , farming etc... is helping visitors or people of the neighbouring villages that need help. Many Monasteries of the Masked ones have hospitals for the sick and wounded, and some are quite renown.
by Blamensir
Many masked brothers have a quite considerable knowledge of medicinal plants and many of their monasteries have a considerable collection of medical texts from the most renown doctors in all Teria. So if you fall ill and decide to go to the monastery for help, don't be affraid by their looks, you're certainly in very good and capable hands!. Also, they offer food for the people in need as well as money.  
It is to the poor and helpless that the prophet firstly directed his preaching, he was the avatar of a God yet he lived a humble life when he lifed disguised among mortals, so we must follow his example.
— One of the rules of the Masked Ones.

Cover image: by Blamensir


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Aug 1, 2024 00:52 by Ephraïm Boateng

They look like hammers a little bit lol. Great Article though!

Aug 11, 2024 20:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

As soon as I saw the picture I was like 'oo, like beekeepers!' so I am glad that they also keep bees. :) They sound like a lovely order, despite their slightly scary appearance.

Aug 20, 2024 17:41

OK, this order raises a few questions: What is the reason for walking around with such an absurd mask? Are the baskets only worn in public and can you actually see anything through them? At least it's an interesting article and I'm very excited about the extensions.

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