The Perymenion

Only through scripture you'll come to know me, those who worship the monarch of the skies and his progeny can't be blessed, and can be worthy if they haven't study the holy books with faith and by heart. Only those educated this way will be worthy of be called leader and guide of the believers. (...) And to those who worship at the altar (aka: The priest) I say this, only the king of the gods and the Emperor wear crowns and have power over this our land, in the beginning of times, since King Davidion, I appointed you as my emissaries and servant to my beloved people.
— The Prophet Blatikuski
The Perymenion is indeed one of the documents that changed the world. It is the holy book in which it was based one of the largest and most influential religions of Yeia, the Reformed Church. And because of this, the Perymenion is reviered by millions of people across Yeia. It is believed to contain the teachings of Blatikuski, The Prophet of Blati., considered by the believers of the Reformed Church to be the avatar of the god Abbon Shabai, the god of wisdom who came to this world to teach the people how to live piously and to fight evil.



The teachings and sayings of the Prophet seem to have been transmited orally by his closest followers and disciples, but at the end of the 1st century AP is when they are written down in codices. Tradition and many legends claim that it was Saint Gennadius, a disciple of the Prophet, the first person who wrote down the quotes of the Prophet in a House of Prayer on a mountain near Ikaria (where today there is a monastery dedicated to him). It is said that Abbon Shabai again took the form of the Prophet and appeared to the Saint to refresh his memory about some of the quotations he should include.     Its structure was fixed in 124 BP at the 1st Council of Ikaria, where, in the presence of the Emperor, the archpriests of the entire Empire discussed the order of the passages from the life of the prophet, and established which of his quotations were true, which were doubtful, and which were completely false. After the Council, both the Reformed Church and the Emperor of Ikaria decreed that at least one copy of the Perymenion was to be kept in every temple. And in the 1st Council of Blati, in 291 AP, thanks to the suggestions of another of the great figures of the reformed Church, Saint Titinius, it was decided that all the faithful could have access to reading the Perymenion and it was established that reading of the book was obligatory in the schools of the Empire.

Structure and content

The Perymenion is divided in two parts. The first part is a biography of the Prophet Blatikuski and the most important events of his life, as well as his appearances after he had fulfilled his "mission."   The second part contains the sayings of the Prophet and some anecdotes that serve as a moral guide for the faithful. The latter is usually one of the most read parts by the faithful and by the priests.  
I'm a torch, yes, a torch, and those who enter the cave shall see the exit of it through me. For I have enlightened people since the beginning of times. The glory of light and the dangers of darkness are not strange to me. And to those who ask me, how do you know all these things? I answer, every day since I was born I come from the East, done my job in the North, and went to rest in the West.
— Saying of the Prophet contained in the Perymenion.
  In later centuries, starting from the fourth century BP, some renowned priests, members of the Church and Theologians added some comments and marginal notes to the sayings that appear in the Perymenion that also serve as clarification and as a guide for the followers of the Prophet.



As various nations of Teria adopted the new faith, the word of the Prophet contained in the Perymenion spread, and although the reformed Church was initially reluctant to translate the holy book into languagesother than Blatian, the book was translated into other languages such as Witharfian, Ja'ez or Liwali.  
"Do not be deceived by the allure of dark magic, for its promises are empty and its path leads to despair. Choose the brilliance of righteousness, and you shall find everlasting fulfilment."
— Blatikuski to the audience that was hearing him at the Rose Gardens, ca 32 AP
  This book has served as an inspiration, comfort and guide to generations of people for almost 8 centuries since it was first written down.

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Cover image: by Callyxtus


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Jul 16, 2024 14:49 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love that you've included some quotes - I love the torch one especially. Really interesting article.

Aug 18, 2024 12:31

Whenever I read an article from your collection, I have the feeling that the tone and the quotes change depending on the country and culture, just like in the earthly world. I would assume that before you write a quote, you consult many existing earthly counterparts and documents in order to integrate the history into your cultures and thus give each culture its own touch. That, my friend, is really a high art and I envy you for it. There are also other beautiful thoughts that you have addressed in your holy scripture. Very inspiring.

Stay imaginative and discover Blue´s Worlds, Elaqitan and Naharin.
Aug 29, 2024 19:46

Awwww that's one of the nicest comments I've ever received!!, Thank you so sooo much!!! <3. And indeed you're right, I try to consult some documents depending on the culture I'm writing about (and the real life references or influences behind them) in order to add a different "flavour" to each one of them!.