Abbon Shabai, the god of wisdom

Hail you, oh divine father, King of the ages, King of the Universe, blessed be your light and your wisdom, might you bestow them uppon us, your sons, that we might live happily and may our decissions be inspired by your wisdom. If not, be merciful with us oh mighty lord, for your heart is all kindness and mercy.
— Ikarian and Oronai prayer to Abbon Shabai
  Abbon Shabai, the father of the gods, the God of the Sun and Light, the god of wisdom, is one of the most powerful and venerated god among the Davidovian peoples. Despite variations between the faiths of these peoples in terms of appearance and name, most of the rituals, myths and some prayers remain the same.

Birth and youth

Mythological story

According to most davidovian myths, Abbon Shabai and many other gods, like Tyr, Fer, Van or Khair, were born from the eggs laid down by the Primordial Dragon, the first lord of the Universe. Also according to myth she abdicated from her position in favour of Abbon Shabai, who built a palace for her in heaven, out of filial devotion.   He later married Tyr after winning a competition between gods to see who will marry her. This competition was held at Lake Bareotis and despite the luxurious gifts of their rivals, Abbon Shabai, advised by the goddess Fer, decided to offer Tyr a crown of flowers (as she was the goddess of nature) stating that because of her beauty she needed nothing more than a crown according to her "future" status. Both enjoyed a beautiful and romantic Honeymoon across Yeia. This happy marriage resulted in the couple having six children: Pyria (goddess of Fire, after killing the previous god, Meterion, during the War of the Gods), Zerah (Goddess of Thunder and justice), Alara (goddess of hunting, memory and magic), Sek (goddess of the Moon), and the twins Meithon (god of the brutal and unrational war) and Psephone ((Goddess of the four faces, goddess of strategy). Humans and elves are also considered to be sons of the gods, but because of the machinations and an evil spell casted by Khair, they became mortals.   The War of the Gods, one of the essential myths about the god, represents the struggle between good and evil, light and darkness, in this conflict Abon Shabai and most of his family fought against Van, Meterion, Khair and the Sphenetai (monsters who were half human/half lizards ). The Light eventually prevailed over the forces of darkness and Abbon Shabai sent Khair and the Sphenetai to the depths of the Earth, while he pardoned his brother Van.

Historical evidence of his worship

Evidence for the worship of Abbon Shabai dates back to the Bronze Age, from the time of the proto-Davidovian peoples, the ancestors of the Ikarians, Oronai, Seris, Kallians and Crorai. Some figurines representing the gods, Abbon Shabai included, have survived and are preserved at some temples. The proto-Davidovian peoples worshiped more or less the same gods as their descendants but among all the gods there was what it is called in Ikarian the Pomptead (The five gods of the elements) Abbon Shabai (God of light,the sun, the heavens and wisdom), Tyr (Godess of nature, agriculture, fruits, flowers and fertility),Pyria (Goddess of fire, heat and volcanoes), Zerah( Goddess of thunder and storms) and Van (God of water and the rivers). These gods were worshiped in special round temples that most likely contained the statues of these five gods. During this time the iconography of the gods seems to have standarized, representing him as a young man (sometimes with beard or clean shaven depending on the fashion of the period) with either a radiate crown or beams of light on top of his head, always holding a sceptre with the eight pointed star.

Versions of the god

As the davidovian migrations began, and the Proto-Davidovian peoples fragmented into 5 different ethnic groups different versions of the gods, although always mantaining its proto-davidovian background or origin, appeared.  

Abbon Shabai in the Ikarian-Oronai faith

Abbon Shabai for Ikarians and Oronai is the King of the Gods, all-merciful, all powerful and the Wisest being in the Universe. He, alongside Zerah, is the one that the Ikarians/Blatians and Oronai ask for protection in their prayers, both for personal protection and for the protection of the State. He is also the patron of scholars, scientists and all who seek wisdom. He rules over all beigns from his Heavenly Palace. Sometimes he comes down to the mortal realm to offer his wisdom to some humans, specially during the Time of the Heroes . For example he intervened in favour of the Heroes during the The Siege of Dorstulon, the city of the Ten Walls Aside of these things in common, we have to make two distinctions here regarding the evolution of Abbon Shabai in both Ikaria and Oronia. In Ikaria, it was believed that the god took the form of his avatar, the prophet Blatikuski who delivered his teachings to the Ikarian people and renovated the old Davidovian Faith.
by Callyxtus
  The Oronai, on the other hand, do not recognized this avatar, instead they still adhere to the old traditions and the old forms of worshiping Abbon Shabai, so their faith resemble more the religious beliefs of the Ikarians before the coming of the Prophet.

Abbon Shabai in the Seris religion

The seris belief in Abbon Shabai (or Abina as they call him in their native tongue) is not very different from their cousins at the other side of the Suris Strait. Abbina is still the God of Wisdom, the Sun and Light and King of the Gods. He is the ideal of a wise and benevolent ruler and father . The Seris court is believed to mimic the court of the Gods in Heaven, presided by Abina. Seris have a special devotion to this god (between affection and respect). This is seen by how they adress him in their prayers, as "Mighty Father", "Benevolent Father" or "Lord of light and inmense love". Indeed, He has rarely appeared angry in myths, because of that he is also known as the god of patience. In Seria her wife and queen is still Tyr and together they had the same ammount of children and grandchildren as in any Davidovian mythology. Seris believe their Empire is so powerful and prosperous because of their faith and special devotion to the King of the Gods, who has granted their Seris Emperor the right to rule over all below the heavens as viceroy of Abina.
Abina ( Seris version of Abbon Shabai) by Callyxtus

Abbon Shabai for the Kallians

Little is known about the beliefs of the old Kallian people. They left no written record and all that is known about them come from their elven, Oronai and Ikarian neighbours, specially the latter who conquered them. As Davidovian peoples, they very probably believe in the same pantheon as the other davidovian peoples (that's what Ikarian texts seem to imply, as they mentioned temples for Abon Shabai, Tyr and other davidovian gods). It seems that Abbon Shabai was known as Apin or Apinsha, and he was represented as a seated man with a helmet with horns, an eight pointed star on one hand and a sceptre on the other. Aside of that, and their widespread cult across the Kallian plains, not much is known.

Abbon Shabai in the Kingdom of the Crorai

Now here comes the shocking part, as the Crorai adopted dark magic in the 5th century BP their vision of the traditional Davidovian gods changed radically, Abbon Shabai included. Here, near the Hand of the Gods, Abbon Shabai is seen as a deceptive god, the god of lies, and the enemy of the power of the dark side of magic. Crorai believe that once they die, their version of hell consists of them being burned each day by the light of the Sun.   Because of that, the rest of their davidovian cousins see them as heretics, blasphemes, and, to be honest, many of them would not share a tear for the crorai if they dissappear from Yeia. They also believe that one day, either the Crorai will see the light or the King of the Gods will punish them severely.

Powers and Domains

Abbon Shabai, aside of the Crorai, is considered as the god of Light, Wisdom, intelligence, rethoric and also the god of Monarchy, because of his role as the King of the Gods. The right to rule comes from his approval . According to Ikarians and Seris he tought humans and elves basic technologies such as navigation, farming, architecture , rethoric and music. It is believed that he protects the world from his palace in the heavens from evil forces, always checking for possible tricks of his "nemesis" Khair, the god of death, evil and lies.


Eight Pointed Star by Callyxtus
Abbon Shabai has two symbols related to him. Perhaps the most famous and the most widespread is the eight pointed star, a symbol shared among Elves and Davidovian peoples. The Priests of Abbon Shabai always wear this symbol in their clothing or headdress. And many generations of warriors from the Davidovian world have painted this symbol on their shield looking for the protection of the god, or hoping that Abbon Shabai would grant them victory.
And the other symbol associated with the god is the eagle. This symbol is as old as the eight pointed star, as the The proto-Davidovian peoples already considered the eagle as the totemic animal of the God of the Sun. Especially in statuary and painting, Abbon Shabai is often represented accompanied by an eagle on one side of his throne or flying near him. The eagle is seen as a powerful and intelligent animal, that is the sovereign of the skies, thus his association with the King of the Gods.
by British Museum


Many religious holidays and festivals are held across the Davidovian world in honor of the King of the Gods. The festival of the Prophet is the most important in the Blatian Empire, where many relics asociated with him are paraded in procession across the capital,, Blati.   The Abbonia festival is one of the most popular across the Oronai world, from mainland Oronia to the Elvish-Oronai realms in Southern Teria. Usually these festival is celebrated not only with offerings at the temples and procession of statues but also with athletic competitions.

Epithets of the god

Abbon Shabai has many epithets, some are common among the Davidovian peoples, such as "Lord of Light", "Benevolent Father", but others are specific to each culture. For example Ikarians and Oronai has an special devotion to Abbon Oddis (Abbon the Guide) or Abbon Panepatris (The father of all (davidovian peoples)).   Seris also tend to conduct business and swear oaths at the temples or in front of the statues of Abbina Aisapad (The Guardian or Keeper of Oaths). Another famous epithet or advocation of Abbon Shabai in Seria is Abbina Kuchisapad (The protector or guardian of Seria, Kuchi is another name for Seria in Seris) also known as Kemsapad (the protector of the Earth) , to whom the Seris pray in times of need, like natural dissasters or wars.


Tyr, goddess of Nature


Towards Abbon Shabai, the god of wisdom


Abbon Shabai, the god of wisdom


Towards Tyr, goddess of Nature


Divine Classification

Curiosities about this god

Some elements of Abbon Shabai's Iconography are common to all Davidovian peoples. For example he is always represented as a young man with light brown or blond hair and honey coloured eyes, that are said to glow when he is angry or when he uses his divine powers. And in the case of his representation in the Ikarian/Oronai and Seris worlds he is often represented with sun beams coming out from behind his head.   But then, there are also differences between these different cultures regarding how they represent the god.   In Seria he dresses like a noble or like the Emperor and usually has a ponytail (which was fashionable in the early days of the Seris Empire). She is often represented carrying his sword (called Zegibara "The bringer of Justice") with which he defends the country and the whole world from evil) and with his other hand holding a representation of the world (with Seria at its center, of course)   Meanwhile in the Oronai and Ikarian worlds he is usually depicted seated on his throne ruling over gods and mortals, he is usually depicted barechested, only dressed in a toga wrapped around his body, holding the sceptre and wearing royal boots. In earlier times, and possibly during the Yavana Culture, when Oronai and Ikarians were still the same people, Abbon Shabai was represented with beard, but as fashion changed, he is now represented clear shaven, giving him an even more youthful look. His face is always tranquil and serene, despite being such a powerful god, many faithful say it brings them peace looking at the god, instead of fear. In Oronia, aside from the Sun beams above his head, Abbon Shabai also wear the royal headband on his head, symbolizing his kingship.

Related myths

Lake Bareotis, the sacred lake of the goddess Tyr
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Dorstulon, the city of the Ten Walls
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The Banquet of the Heroes
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The Banquet of the victorious heroes after that Siege of Durstolon, the city of the Ten Walls.

Related characters

Zerah, goddess of Storm and Thunder
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Mana, the deceptive goddess
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The evil goddess who tried to seduce prince Arjuna in his quest to find princess Sita, now turned into the goddess of Adventurers!.


For more info

Ikarian Religion
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The official religion of a fallen great empire and its successor state

Cover image: by Callyxtus
Character Portrait image: by Callyxtus


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Aug 21, 2024 00:51 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

I love how different cultures see him, especially the Crorai having such an opposing view to everyone else. What a fun detail. I also like that old depictions of him used to have beards, but now he is clean shaven. It makes me imagine him being like 'oh no, fashion amongst the mortals has changed, I must shave!'

Aug 22, 2024 13:47

Did I mention already that I love your pantheon articles? Because I totally do. Like Serukis mentioned, the different views on him are a great touch and the art is glorious as usual. This is great inspiration for writing my own pantheon.

Sit down, my friend, and let me tell you of Aran'sha . A world where the sands shift and the stars sing, where the wind carries secrets and the twin moons keep silent vigil over it all.
Aug 22, 2024 20:00

Awww I'm so glad you like them, despite I've written so few of them!. And it's an honor that you consider my article inspiring !! <3