WorldEmber 2023 Homework
And it's that time again, WE is just around the corner. It even starts today. At least this time I had more time to do my homework. There are advantages to cancelling Nano from the outset. And procrastinating this time. But less preamble, the article will be long enough.
Week 1: Pledge Your Goal
Focus 1: This is burning under my nails
The healing "wine festival"
"Beard helpers" as a profession or technology
Tasc, the goddess of time
Priesthood of Tasc
Focus 2: Remnants of New Year's Resolutions and Pledges
- The realm of Addellirazar, such as Addellirazar, this mountain realm itself, Zellis - a mountain range, Tandera Pot, Micael Knocher - a Knoberer, Ottmar Perl - administrator of Miltz mir Minalstaan, Ximarferis - the governors/administrators in Addellirazar, Ekilapind - mage prison and mining site of Tararukthes, Imeltawn - city around the mage academy, Delans - mountain near the mage academy,
- Or something about Masmiim in general, such as Masmiim, this small continent itself, Masmiimian nobility, Alkenmoor - moor near Perta, Redinwerden with its infamous knights, Parcur, the Westmarch and thus also Verdam, a high-energy fruit from the time of the War of the Gods - or a few of the many places already named. More on Heilhem, such as Hirda, official leader of Yenort, Kandtaral - their "priestesses", Kandtarall - the organisation, Hochlandkaraller - an ethnic group of the Heilme, Sasi - a Heilme language, Sas - an ethnic group in Heilhem, Sasklant - the land of the Sas, Runesmithing - technique of the Heilme, Ydriss - small animals and plants eating sea mammals in the north of Heilhem, Schneekleren - Kleren species from the north of Heilhem, Ydriss oil - oil for rune forging, Dardkenn - an organisational unit of the Heilme, Steinkalder - predators in Heilhem, Ghostmaster - aspect master of the Maogken, Karmley - mammals from Heilhem, Olusken - animal in the north of Heilhem, Alkandhalig - "main temple" of the Kandtarall, Widdchlbarkpäs - a "vehicle", Landships
- The area south of Heilhem, such as Mirkaniam - realm north of Beliazar, Dirpelbaar Further to Lamniesae tir Xam, about: Xames - the spiritual ones of the Lamnieasa, Anaxam - representative of the Xamalamnis, ... More on Beliazar, such as: Emati - stall in Beliazar, Ramit - slave stall in Beliazar, Xardit - slave stall in Beliazar, Ume Azinedar - from the Azinedar merchant family, ...
- The region around Taparest
- The region around Zerkoural
- The region around Yuu's monastery, i.e. the Death Peak Mountains
- The Nano post and prep articles
Secere – bedeutender Character der Geschichten
The War of the Gods (several articles?)
Text peace treaty - or at least an article about it
... And in 2021 we should still choose prompts in the Pledge, which I also left open. Many of them were provided by Tillerz: Language: Share some common idioms and phrases from a culture in your world
. Item: Describe a historically significant piece of jewellery in your world. What stories does it carry?
geographic location: Describe a geographic location beneath the surface - what can you find lurking there?
Species: Write about a dangerous insect or animal in your world
Vehicle: Write about an old ship that's still in use. Why is it still active?
Prose: Write a popular fairy tale told to children in your world
. Material: Write about a delicious nut in your world. Does it have other special properties?
Geographic Location: What's your world's largest ocean, and what lurks in it depths? Do people fear it or own it?
Technology: Describe a technology in your world that improves people's lives but can also be abused by evildoers.
Character: Write about a character in your world who was assigned a job for which they lacked all qualifications but performed admirably.
Item: Write about a device that goes haywire. Who created it, and what it meant to do?
Focus 3: Reasonable things
History overview (short!)
Life in Yenort in general
Overview of gods, especially the most important gods
Magic, psi, ki, elemental/aspect energy, spirits
Important personalities
Focus 4: Remaining prompts from the last two SCs
That would be: SC 2022: A building associated with governance, leadership or change An organization associated with governance, leadership or change A profession associated with leaders in your world A title that commands respect from those in the know A great leader of their people A tradition or ceremony which confers an honor on someone A condition considered monstrous or „unlucky“ by some SC2023: A powerful organization in your world A seat of power (of any kind!) A resource that provides fuel or power An animal associated with, or symbolizing, power A culture that has suffered under the rule of a stronger nation A conflict between two unequal powers in your world A species known for ist mischievous personality A popular summer tradition that involves art und creativity An unclaimed, unregulated or lawless region in your setting A settlement at the limits oft he „known“ or „civilized“ world A job that takes its practitioners to remote or faraway places A character driven by wanderlust or the desire to explore A cuisine from a sparse, barren or remote region in your world An iconic building or landmark representing a location A letter sent in secret by a well-known person in your world A tradition or behavior considered old fashioned An ancient city that is still inhabited today A profession that has been rendered obsolete A historical culture whose influence is still felt today A method used to carry goods over long distances A system to send messages between distant places A building or landmark used for, or associated with, communication A character who prefers to lurk in the shadows A „negative“ condition that has hidden advantages An organisation dedicated to keeping a major secret from the public A myth or truth about the meaning oft he universeFocus 5: Reading fruits
Dark Ice - dark ice
Tasked - dark elemental material, "mixture" of Taskinien and Schared
Tasked - rock
Shared - metal
Darmera - rough description continent
Pale Herb - essence-draining, attempt to heal the Touched
Acemaseli - the "good guys" sprung from the Hesdamirzareli
Xarem Asnis - THE wizard from Gontas
Ardmenes - predecessor and mother of Azmaer
Hereiselar - goddess of oracles and prophecies
Myralia Qedesta - famous high priestess of Hereiselar
Elemental lines
Ezamee - Goddess of Magic and Mages
Inyare - Goddess of Light and Loyalty
Elemental Gods
The Created
Ekuraseli - a reptile species of Yenort
Umdar - god of thieves
Priesthood of Umdar
Mongrel of Umdar
Anmamit - anti-force agent, err, false universe, effectively an anti-magic agent ^^
Tararukthes - another means of suppressing magic
Sphere of chance and fate
Tratze - animals with fireproof wool
Ash wool - wool of the pawpaws
Nari - goddess of the arts
Priesthood of the Lamenari
Sphere of love and beauty
Adeszil - the supreme war demons of Ardmenes/Azmaer
Spheres of the Gods
Sinire - the highest dark elementals
Marsif Dazes - father of Elmir
Thun - the predecessor of Gontas
Imelda Vasterimis - wholesaler of the Larnedres
Aabklein - the Harersin Forest
Anedar - former trading organisation that no longer exists
Ehserdahn - headquarters of the Larnedres
Dae - goddess of life
Daesin - the tree of life
Kardesin - the avenging tree
Aaseltumani - plants that metabolise elemental darkness instead of oxygen
Carrion Sense - dark trees
Aaseltira - (highly) energetic dark animals
Sasziliral - Demon Blood Water
Dark rain ritual
Zarriss - supreme blood angel
Bisezsarer - Blackstone
Apparition Sea - the great inland sea of Darmera
Marsel - great river in Darmera
Marselfraß - river delta
Leszer - the lowest dark elementals
Telesames - a Sinir
Ederne - a species of mammal
Earthbells - plant
Early Beard - plant
Focus 6: Miscellaneous
I found this while tidying up and looking through the stubs and couldn't assign it directly. "What's the consequence of using (or misusing) magic in your setting?"Arcos mir Azel
The Pledge
Week 2:
This is where I first got a shock. Two tasks in one. And as I progressed with the categories and the focusses increased, I really started to get the mini-meta. Well, I still had a barely related mini-meta from the last preparation for WE. And for now I have just created a mini-meta for Addelirazar, because I will definitely write something about them.Categories
Other worlds
Yes, there are many beautiful worlds here in WA. And far too little time to follow and actively read them all. The worlds that I probably read the most from time to time and find inspiring are: Irda Samtho Noevalne Lothrea Koria the sixth kingdom Elaqitan NaharinWeek 3: Homepage Review
Week 4: Last-minute preparations
Und es ist wieder soweit, WE steht vor der Tür. Inzwischen beginnt es sogar heute. Dieses Mal hatte ich zumindest schon mal mehr Zeit für die Hausaufgaben. Hat schon seine Vorteile, wenn man Nano von vorneherein cancelt. Und dieses Mal anderes prokrastiniert. Aber mal weniger Vorrede, der Artikel wird lang genug.
Woche 1: Lege dein Ziel fest
Fokus 1: Das brennt mir unter den Nägeln
Das heilmische "Wein-Fest"
"Bart-Hilfen" als Beruf oder Technologie
Tasc, die Göttin der Zeit
Priesterschaft der Tasc
Fokus 2: Überbleibsel aus Neujahrsvorsätzen und Pledges
- Der Bereich Addellirazar, etwa Addellirazar, dieses Gebirgsreich selbst, Zellis - ein Gebirge, Tandera-Topf, Micael Knocher – ein Knoberer, Ottmar Perl – Verwalter von Miltz mir Minalstaan, Ximarferis – die Statthalter/Verwalter in Addellirazar, Ekilapind – Magiergefängnis und Abbaustätte von Tararukthes, Imeltawn – Stadt um die Magierakademie, Delans – Berg bei der Magierakademie,
- Oder noch etwas zu Masmiim allgemein, etwa auch Masmiim, dieser kleine Kontinent selbst, Masmiimischer Adel, Alkenmoor – Moor bei Perta, Redinwerden mit seinen berüchtigten Rittern, Parcur, die Westmarsch und damit auch Verdam, eine hochenergetische Frucht aus der Zeit des Kriegs der Götter - oder ein paar der vielen bereits benannten Orte. Weiteres zu Heilhem, etwa Hirda, offizielle Führerin Yenorts, Kandtaral – deren „Priesterinnen“, Kandtarall – die Organisation, Hochlandkaraller - eine Ethnie der Heilme, Sasi – eine heilmische Sprache, Sas - eine Ethnie in Heilhem, Sasklant – das Land der Sas, Runenschmiedung - Technik der Heilme, Ydriss - Kleinsttiere und -Pflanzen fressende Seesäugetiere im Norden Heilhems, Schneekleren - Kleren-Art aus dem Norden Heilhems, Ydriss-Öl – Öl für die Runenschmiedung, Dardkenn – eine Organisationseinheit der Heilme, Steinkalder - Raubtiere in Heilhem, Geistermeister - Aspektmeister der Maogken, Karmley - Säugetiere aus Heilhem, Olusken - Tier im Norden Heilhems, Alkandhalig – „Haupttempel“ der Kandtarall, Widdchlbarkpäs – ein „Vehikel“, Landschiffe
- Die Gegend südlich von Heilhem, etwa Mirkaniam – Reich nördlich von Beliazar, Dirpelbaar Weiteres zu Lamniesae tir Xam, etwa: Xames – die Geistigen der Lamnieasa, Anaxam - Repräsentant der Xamalamnis, … Weiteres zu Beliazar, etwa: Emati - Stand in Beliazar, Ramit – Sklavenstand in Beliazar, Xardit - Sklavenstand in Beliazar, Ume Azinedar – aus der Azinedar-Händlerfamilie, …
- Die Region um Taparest
- Die Region um Zerkoural
- Die Region um Yuus Kloster, also noch etwas zum Todesgipfelgebirge
- Die Nano-Nach- und Vorbereitungsartikel
Der Krieg der Götter (mehrere Artikel?)
Text Friedensschluss – oder zumindest ein Artikel drüber
… Und in 2021 sollten wir in der Pledge noch Prompts wählen, die bei mir auch offen blieben. Viele von ihnen stellte Tillerz zur Verfügung: Language: Share some common idioms and phrases from a culture in your world.
Item: Describe a historically significant piece of jewellery in your world. What stories does it carry?
geographic location: Describe a geographic location beneath the surface – what can you find lurking there?
Species: Write about a dangerous insect or animal in your world
Vehicle: Write about an old ship that's still in use. Why is it still active?
Prose: Write a popular fairy tale told to children in your world.
Material: Write about a delicious nut in your world. Does it have other special properties?
Geographic Location: What's your world's largest ocean, and what lurks in it depths? Do people fear it or own it?
Technology: Describe a technology in your world that improves people's lives but can also be abused by evildoers.
Character: Write about a character in your world who was assigned a job for which they lacked all qualifications but performed admirably.
Item: Write about a device that goes haywire. Who created it, and what was it meant to do?
Fokus 3: Vernünftiges
Geschichtsüberblick (kurz!)
Leben in Yenort generell
Götterüberblick, insbesondere der wichtigsten Götter
Magie, Psi, Ki, Elementar-/Aspektenergie, Geister
Wichtige Persönlichkeiten
Fokus 4: Übrige Prompts der letzten beiden SCs
Das wären: SC 2022: A building associated with governance, leadership or change An organization associated with governance, leadership or change A profession associated with leaders in your world A title that commands respect from those in the know A great leader of their people A tradition or ceremony which confers an honor on someone A condition considered monstrous or „unlucky“ by some SC2023: A powerful organization in your world A seat of power (of any kind!) A resource that provides fuel or power An animal associated with, or symbolizing, power A culture that has suffered under the rule of a stronger nation A conflict between two unequal powers in your world A species known for ist mischievous personality A popular summer tradition that involves art und creativity An unclaimed, unregulated or lawless region in your setting A settlement at the limits oft he „known“ or „civilized“ world A job that takes its practitioners to remote or faraway places A character driven by wanderlust or the desire to explore A cuisine from a sparse, barren or remote region in your world An iconic building or landmark representing a location A letter sent in secret by a well-known person in your world A tradition or behavior considered old fashioned An ancient city that is still inhabited today A profession that has been rendered obsolete A historical culture whose influence is still felt today A method used to carry goods over long distances A system to send messages between distant places A building or landmark used for, or associated with, communication A character who prefers to lurk in the shadows A „negative“ condition that has hidden advantages An organisation dedicated to keeping a major secret from the public A myth or truth about the meaning oft he universeFokus 5: Lesefrüchte
Finstereis - finsteres Eis
Tasked - finsterelementar geprägtes Material, "Mischung" aus Taskinien und Schared
Taskinien - Gestein
Schared - Metall
Darmera - grobe Beschreibung Kontinent
Bleicht-Kraut - essenz-entziehend, Versuch der Heilung Berührter
Acemaseli – die aus den Hesdamirzareli entsprungenen „Guten“
Xarem Asnis – DER Zauberer aus Gontas
Ardmenes – Vorgängerin und Mutter von Azmaer
Hereiselar - Göttin der Orakel und Prophezeiungen
Myralia Qedesta – berühmte Hohepriesterin der Hereiselar
Ezamee - Göttin der Magie und der Magier
Inyare - Göttin des Lichts und der Treue
Die Geschaffenen
Ekuraseli – eine Kriechtierart Yenorts
Umdar - Gott der Diebe
Priesterschaft des Umdar
Mischling des Umdar
Anmamit – Antimachtmittel, err, falsches Universum, quasi ein Antimagiemittel ^^
Tararukthes – noch nen Mittel zur Unterdrückung von Magie
Sphäre des Zufalls und Schicksals
Tratze – Tiere mit feuerfester Wolle
Aschwolle – Wolle der Tratzen
Nari - Göttin der Künste
Priesterschaft der Lamenari
Sphäre der Liebe und Schönheit
Adeszil – die höchsten Kriegsdämonen von Ardmenes/Azmaer
Sphären der Götter
Sinire – die höchsten Finsterelementare
Marsif Dazes – Vater von Elmir
Thun – der Vorgänger von Gontas
Imelda Vasterimis – Großhändlerin der Larnedres
Aabklein – der Harersin-Wald
Anedar – frühere, nicht mehr existente Handelsorganisation
Ehserdahn – Hauptsitz der Larnedres
Dae – Göttin des Lebens
Daesin – der Baum des Lebens
Kardesin – der rächende Baum
Aaseltumani - Pflanzen, die statt Sauerstoff elementare Finsternis verstoffwechseln
Aaselsinn - Finsterbäume
Aaseltira - (hoch)energetische Finstertiere
Sasziliral - Dämonenblutwasser
Zarriss – höchster Blutengel
Bisezsarer - Schwarzstein
Erscheinungsmeer – das große Binnenmeer Darmeras
Marsel - großer Fluss in Darmera
Marselfraß - Flussdelta
Leszer - die untersten Finsterelementare
Telesames - ein Sinir
Ederne - eine Säugetierart
Erdglocken - Pflanze
Frühbart - Pflanze
Fokus 6: Sonstiges
Das fand ich beim Aufräumen und Durchsehen noch unter den Stubs und konnte es nicht direkt zuordnen. "What's the consequence of using (or misusing) magic in your setting?"Arcos mir Azel
Die Pledge
Woche 2:
Hier bekam ich erst einmal einen Schock. Zwei Aufgaben in einer. Und als ich mit den Kategorien voran kam und die Fokusse auch dadurch immer mehr zunahmen kam ich erst recht ins Schlucken wegen der Mini-Meta. Nun, ein kaum verwandtes Mini-Meta aus der letzten Vorbereitung zu WE hatte ich noch. Und für jetzt habe ich dann gerade ein Mini-Meta zu Addelirazar erstellt, da ich zu denen auf jeden Fall etwas schreiben werdeKategorien
Andere Welten
Ja, es gibt sehr viele schöne Welten hier in WA. Und viel zu wenig Zeit, alle zu verfolgen und aktiv zu lesen. Welten, die ich wohl am meisten hin und wieder lese und inspirierend finde sind: Irda Samtho Noevalne Lothrea Koria the sixth kingdom Elaqitan NaharinWoche 3: Homepage Review
Woche 4: Vorbereitungen in letzter Minute
Hui. Du warst da bei deinen Hausaufgaben sehr viel fleißiger (und ausführlicher) als ich :D Ich drück dir auf jeden Fall die Daumen für World Ember und hoffe, dass du dein Ziel erreichen wirst.
Hätte ich die Zeit lieber dann in WE gehabt... . Na zumindest half mir die Ausführlichkeit bei meinen Zielen für 2023 und im Endeffekt noch 2024. Aber danke, hat ja tatsächlich geklappt ^^. GW gleichfalls, hat ja auch bei dir gereicht.
Ja, aber ganz knapp. Mit 19 Worten drüber und das wirklich auf die letzte Minute :D aber hey, geschafft ist geschafft. Mir ist leider auch die Zeit davon gelaufen. Aber egal. Jeder Artikel zusätzlich ist schließlich ein Gewinn :) Ich drück dir die Daumen für 2024 (und sorry für die späte Reaktion. Januar war stressig.)