Dwarf Species in Yeshilan | World Anvil


"As the world of Yeshilan was born and mortals created to fill the land, Ordunnin set his mind to fashion living creations of his own. From the four highest peaks he took the elements that would form his children, and on each mountain he placed them. Of Gold he formed the beautiful Arumel, and gave them rule over the majestic Masduulaagii. From Silver he made the wise Silberner, and set them to care for the Hunderhas peaks. Out of Copper he shaped the Kupfer, sturdy and strong for life in the Ornzar mountains. And of coal he created the Kohle, bold and brave enough to guard the darkest depths. Thus his children were brought into the world, and Ordunnin became the Father of Dwarves."   Traditional Homelands:   Physical Description: A Dwarf's appearance will vary with there heritage. The Arumel tend to be a bit taller and more slender, with fair hair & skin, and often green eyes. The Khole have a shorter build, but also quite pale skin that contrasts their dark black hair & dark eyes. The Silberner are tall but sturdy, with fair to tan skin, eyes in hues of grey or blue, and silvery-white hair even as youths. Lastly, the Kupfer tend to be the shortest of the Dwarves, with darker skin, brown or grey eyes, and copper-blonde to flaming red hair.   Lifespan: The average lifespan for Dwarves is 120 years, though some have lived as long as 170 years   Size: Dwarves are more short and stout than the average human, standing 4 to 5 feet tall and weighing an average of 150 pounds.
Dwarves had a tradition of brewing strong drink
The rare female Dwarf who can grow a beard is seen as chosen by Ordunnin, and often goes in to service as a Cleric