Plattfalt Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


The Kingdom of Plattfalt is predominantly ruled and populated by the Arumel Dwarves- though the grassy hillsides, forested valleys, and swampland are also home to bands of Centaurs, Firbolgs, and Hags. The climate is generally pleasant, as the kingdom is nestled between two mountain ranges: the Hunderhas Mountains to the North blocking the cold winds and severe storms that may plague Drachenwald; and the Masduulaagii Mountains to the South, which cause the clouds to rain upon Plattfalt before moving on to Arohane. Veins of precious metals run beneath the two mountain ranges as well, further enriching the nation.   To know before your travels:  
  • When travelling from Drachenwald to Plattfalt, you will need to traverse the Hagovacoshya Swamp. Stay alert and stick to the main road along the Wyrmturn River to avoid stumbling into the territory of the Hags who live within the bog's depths.

  • The Arumel are know to be excellent brewmasters. Be sure to stop in the regions taverns to sample the wide variety of fine ales Plattfalt has to offer.

  • Be aware that while the dragon population may be a bit lower than in Drachenwald there are still a good many around, particularly near the mountains and coasts.

  • In the center of the kingdom, the capitol city of Riverspass is home to the royal family of Plattfalt. At the southern boarder Kegdrum Keep guards the entry to Plattfalt from the main pass through the Masduulaagii Mountains.
  The Cities & Towns of Plattfalt:  
Known World map of Yeshilan