Lizardfolk Species in Yeshilan | World Anvil


"When Afiefa first rose from the sea, the island was bare and cold. When Mother Sun looked down at the new island, she took pity and shown her light to warm it. But this made the bare land too hot an dry, and the island began to boil within. So the sun asked Sister Wind to bring seeds to help cover the land with plants and trees. Sister Wind did this, and the island became rich with greenery. But soon, the plants grew so dense the island started to choke. Sister Wind asked Brother Wave to help bring animals to the island to keep the plants in check. Brother Wave swept up animals and placed them on the island, and they began to eat the plants. Afiefa was in balance. But as they looked upon the island, they saw it was lonely. So the Sun pulled from the island's lava the Redflare Lizardfolk. From the beaches Brother Wave carved the Bluegill Lizardfolk. And from the island's rock Sister Wind carved the Yellowscale Lizardfolk. The elements taught the Lizardfolk to care for the island and everything upon it. And finally, the island was happy." - Traditional Lizardfolk Creation Myth   The Lizardfolk are some of the more widely traveled people in Yeshilan, known for being incredible sailors and navigators. However, as much as they have talent for travel, they also feel a strong pull to return to their home at Tokamahana, so it is rare for one to settle down elsewhere for long.   Traditional Homeland: Afiefa   Current Homeland: Tokamahana   Physical Description: Lizardfolk have three appearances: The most common Bluegill have a slighter build, webbed feet, and primitive gills rimmed with blue scales which allow them to breathe underwater for a time. Yellowscales are the largest of the lot, standing much taller and broader than their brethren, also easily identifiable by their tough, yellow, armor-like abdominal & throat scales. The Redflare tend to be of shorter stature, with patches of red scales along the sides of their heads and an inflatable neck pouch that varies in color from light orange to deep crimson. The three types are able to interbreed, though their young will always hatch inheriting physical type from only one of its parents.   Lifespan: Lizardfolk usually live around 60 years, though there have been individuals who reached 100 years of age.   Size: Bluegill: On average 6 to 6.5 feet tall and 175 to 225lbs; Yellowscale: Up to 7.5 feet tall and typically weigh 250 to 300lbs; Redflare: Generally 5.5 to 6 feet tall and 150 to 200lbs.
Lizardfolk have traditionally kept cats as companions on their boats. The arrival of Awakened Cats has only improved their status amongst the Lizardfolk