Tokamahana Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


The seafaring Lizardfolk sail far and wide across Yeshilan, but they call Tokamahana their home. A lovely island nation with rocky landscapes and sandy beaches, Tokamanhana has little area with soil suitable for large-scale agriculture. The Lizardfolk live primarily off of what they gather from the sea, gather from wild-growing plants, or trade with the peoples of other lands. The weather is generally pleasant, though Winter brings warm rains, and Summer an increased risk of storms from the sea.   To know before your travels:  
  • Tokamahana lacks many of the amenities you may be accustomed to with city life. Come prepared to fish and forage for your dinner, trade with locals, or bring your own dried rations as a backup plan. You will not find a traditional inn on the country, though you may be able to negotiate renting out space in the home of some locals. Thankfully, the weather is so agreeable you may find yourself just as happy to spend an evening on the beach.

  • There are no large ports on Tokamahana, making arrival by ship challenging. An experienced captain familiar with the area is critical to a soft and safe landing.

  • The local Lizardfolk have three phenotypes, and generally receive cultural roles based on their heritage. The most common Bluegill have a slight build, webbed feet, and partial gills which allow them to breathe underwater for a time; this talent leads them to take on tasks which involve the water- fishing, sailing merchants, and harvesting sea vegetation. If you don't speak the local Gutumata language, the Bluegill are a good bet if find yourself in a communication pinch- frequent travel means they often speak several languages. Yellowscales are the largest of the lot, standing much taller and broader than their brethren. They are often assigned to positions where their physical strength can be of great use: warriors, builders, weaponsmiths, and laborers. The Redflare tend to be of shorter stature and frequently assume priestly and political roles, maintaining cultural traditions.

  • A surprisingly large population of cats live on Tokamahana, introduced by the Lizardfolk to help control the invasive rodent populations. To the Lizardfolk, cats are considered good luck, and you'll rarely find one of their boats without a feline sailor aboard.
Known World map of Yeshilan
Rocky Shores of Tokamahana
Lizardfolk Home
An Islet Chain
Lizardman with his Feline Companion