Tirhollt Geographic Location in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Tirhollt is a landmass rich in resources- whether the dense hardwood forests of Lemyatel & Tsenakrovi , the golden grain fields of Fredsfelder , or the ore-rich Ornzar Mountains - it is surely a land of plenty.   To know before your travels:  
  • Those who care to study ancient magics would do well to visit the Library of the Masked God in Ethshara, capital city of Lemyatel. Special permission must be acquired to enter protected sections, and it can take weeks to obtain approval for but a day's browsing of their contents. Remeber- planning and patience pay off!

  • If possible, set aside time for a guided tour of the Tsenakrovi royal family's Grand Palace in Wolfscrown Bay. The gilded halls are decorated with fine art, and such tours allow many their lone opportunity to view such rare and beautiful works.

  • The rolling fields of Fredsfelder are dotted with few cities, but numerous farmsteads. A number of nomadic clans roam the plains, and while they are generally peaceful it is best to hire a local guide in order to avoid territorial conflict if you wish to travel by foot across this land.
  The Nations of Tirhollt:     Areas of Note:  

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