Ethshara Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil


Ethshara is the royal city at the center of the Elvan Empire. With architecture that mysteriously blends the natural beauty of towering trees with artfully intricate stonework, it is a city unlike any other.   The Imperial Palace at the center of the city is well guarded, with only foreign dignitaries allowed to visit, and even then by invitation only. The Library of the Masked God is also a grand temple to Nethys and university for magical studies, providing opportunity for advanced magical instruction for those talented enough to be accepted into the program.    
Primary Residents: Elf
  Primary Language: Elvish, Common
  Market Trade: Scrolls, potions, rare magical books & spell components.
  Temples: Primary: Nethys, Abadar Smaller: Sylvar
A view of the towers of the Library of the Masked God
Dignitaries arriving at the Imperial Palace