Tortle Species in Yeshilan | World Anvil


"Tortles are peaceful and reclusive and tend to get along well with races with similar habits and personalities. They tend to move and speak in a slower, more mild fashion, compared to the other dwellers of the material plane. They live in simple villages, with huts of mud, straw, wood, and limited stonework. They live under the leadership of a Village Chief, who guides them in matter political, economic, and spiritual. Tortle villages are friendly to most visitors, but are especially friendly toward the Lizardfolk of Tokamahana."     Traditional Homeland: Islands of Laumei   Physical Description: Tortles are humanoid tortoises, walking upright with an often slow, rolling gait. They have leathery, reptilian skin and shells that cover their backs and bellies. Tortles have no hair; their skin is mostly olive or blue-green. Their back shells are usually shinier and darker than their skin, while their front shells tend to be lighter, with a yellowish cast. A Tortle's mouth is beak-like and toothless. Tortles are stocky, but most of their weight comes from their shells. They often wear minimal clothing, as it is more decorative than protective for their bodies.   Lifespan: Tortles live an average of 150 years, though there are legends of individuals living to over 300 years.   Size: An adult Tortle typically stands between 5.5 to 6 feet tall and weighs more 600 to 750 pounds.
A patient race, Tortles take time to master their crafts
Though generally peaceful, one should not mistake Tortles for being helpless in battle