Zoet Graan Settlement in Yeshilan | World Anvil

Zoet Graan

Zoet Graan is best known for the sweet and remarkably stable grain grown only in this region. Less known are the locals- a secluded people, their village standing apart from it's Fredsfelder neighbors with its own unique language and traditions. Simple homes surrounded by golden fields of grain create a vision much warmer than the welcome outsiders can expect upon arrival. Summers are pleasantly warm but Winters are dangerous, with bitter icy winds and deep snow drifts that can bury a caravan overnight.     Primary Residents: Human, The Awakened (Cats & Dogs)
  Primary Language: Yttra (Ancient Common)
  Trade Market: Grain and Grain Products
  Temples: None
To know before your travels:
  • The residents of Zoet Graan speak a traditional and ancient form of Common not used outside their remote mountainside village for thousands of years. While many also speak our modern Common tongue, you would do well to hire a local interpreter during your visit.

  • Visitors wishing to stay for more than a day will need to obtain permission from the village council. There is no fee to apply, but expect to be questioned about the purpose of your visit.

  • Should you find yourself lost in the heavy winter snows, watch for the torches of the Vuurhonden- the volunteer wilderness watch based out of Zoet Graan. Countless wayward merchants have the efforts of these brave folks to thank for getting them safely back on the road alive.

  • The wheat grown in the fields of Zoet Graan has a wonderful sweet flavor and maintains its quality and nutrition almost indefinitely- making it much sought after by travelers, adventurers, and militaries alike.

  • Rumors have long swirled that sacrifices performed by a powerful cult at the center of the village are behind Zoet Graan's near-magical wheat properties; however, I for one have seen no credible evidence of any victims or member of such a cult existing. With my reassurance tread with care, not with fear.
Golden Fields near Zoet Graan
Characters in Location
The Vuurhonden on patrol

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