Himinbjorg Building / Landmark in Yggdrasil | World Anvil


Himinbjorg is the hall of the god Heimdall. Heimdall dwells there as watchman for the gods and there drinks his fine mead. This hall is located where the burning rainbow bridge Bifrost meets Asgard.    

Purpose / Function


  • 70'x120'

Sensory & Appearance

As you enter the great hall the aroma of sweet Wine and fine mead hits your senses. At the center, a long fire pit of eternal fire emits light, reflecting shadows in abstract ways. Logs extend as support pillars on either side of the hall creating a central path to the back. Red and green rugs litter the floor with elegance. At the back right corner are huge kegs of wine and mead. The back of the hall has a golden chair of royal decree. Occupying the golden chair is the god Heimdall. Before him wedged in the wooden floorboards is a powerful godly greatsword. As you look at Heimdall, you get a feeling that he knew of your arrival even before you could have made the decision to approach.


  • The hall is built to be a fortress of the watcher of Asgard.
  • The hall is made from Asgardian lumber.
  • There are no windows, for Heimdall has no need due to his ability to see into The Nine Worlds.
  • Large steps made of stone ascenda short distance to even bigger doors that provide entry to the great hall.
Great hall
Parent Location


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