Heimdall Myth in Yggdrasil | World Anvil


Large Celestial, LG   AC: 19 (Bifrost sentry Plate) HP: 400 Speed: 30 ft.   STR 24(+7) DEX 20(+5) CON 30(+10) INT 19(+4) WIS 30(+10) CHA 22(+6)   Saving Throws: CON +15, WIS +15, CHA +11   Skills: Intimidation +12, Perception +15, Insight +15   Damage Resistances: Radiant   Damage Immunities: Fire; bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing from nonmagical attacks   Condition Immunities: Blinded, charmed, deafened, frightened   Senses: Truesight 120 ft., Passive Perception 25   Language: Old Norse Language   CR: 25   Legendary Resistance (3/Day): If Heimdall fails a saving throw, he can choose to succeed instead.   Magical Attacks: Heimdall's attacks are magical.     Gjallarhorn: As an action you can blow horn. After horn is blown it summons a Valkyrie to fight at you side for 10 minutes.   Hofund's Aura: You may stab this weapon into the ground as an action, activating its holy aura. This holy aura deals 2d6 fire damage and 2d6 radiant damage to all creatures of evil alignment within 60 feet of the blade at the end of your turn. You may spend an action/one attack to draw the blade from the ground and end the holy aura.   Actions   Multiattack: Heimdall can makes three attacks with Hofund.     Hofund: Melee Weapon Attack: +15 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target. Hit: (2d6 + 7) slashing damage + (2d6) fire damage + (2d6) radiant damage   Legenday Actions
  • Heimdall can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creature's turn. Heimdall regains spent legendary actions at the start of his turn.
  Move: Heimdall moves up to half his speed.   Attack: Heimdall make one melee attack.   Gjallarhorn(Costs 2 Actions): As an action you can blow horn. After horn is blown it summons a Valkyrie to fight at you side for 10 minutes.   Loot   Heimdall
  • Heimdall is an Asgardian god that stands before the gates of Asgard. He dwells in his hall know as Himinbjorg and stands guard over Asgard and the Bifrost.
  • Little sleep is required by him and he possesses divine hearing. Heimdall is known as the shining god and born of nine-mothers. Heimdall has gold teeth, bright white armor, and wields Hofund, a powerful sword with godly magic. He also possesses the resounding horn Gjallarhorn. Gjallarhorn, which could be heard throughout the The Nine Worlds, is able to call the gods to battle when their enemies traverse the Bifrost.
  • As the ever-watchful, he is a nemesis of the deceiver god Loki.
  • Heimdall is to guard the Bifrost against all enemies to Asgard until the end of Days.
  • The shining god
  • The bright god
  • Watchman of Asgard
  • Guardian of the Bifrost
  • Golden Tooth
  Myths and Legends   The Horn Will Blow
  • During Ragnarök, the gods will know that their doom is at hand when they hear the dire call of Gjallarhorn signaling the imminent arrival of the giants, who will cross the rainbow bridge to storm Asgard and kill the gods. The disloyal Loki, the particular nemesis of the unwaveringly dutiful Heimdall, will be with them. Loki and Heimdall will slay each other as the world burns and sinks into the sea.
  The Nine Mothers of Heimdall
  • Heimdall was said to have been the son of Odin and nine mothers.
  • It is said that all nine bore him and he was born with the strength of the earth and the ice of the sea.
  • Aegir and Ran are sometimes mistakenly referred to as the god and goddess of the sea, but they were actually Jotnar. They were friends of the gods and famously hosted a feast at which several preeminent deities, including Heimdall, were present.
  • Aegir and Ran had nine daughters.
  • The nine daughters of Aegir were also the nine mothers of Heimdall.
  • His father was Odin. This made him a half-brother to the most prominent Aesir gods, including Baldr and Thor.


"A divine warrior stands sentry before you blocking entry to Asgard. He gaze passes you as if you weren't there, although you get a feeling that he knew of your arrival even before you could have made the decision to approach. His white battle tested armor and powerful greatsword show his position as a warrior, although his stature glows of power."
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