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Mjolnir is a unique legendary warhammer wielded by Thor. It is one of the most destructive forces in the known multiverse. The hammer gave Thor his extensive power and was said to be forged by a dwarf. Due to the weapon’s short handle, Thor could only wield it with one hand. The thunder god used the hammer to protect Asgard and Midgard from enemies, such as the giants and their destructive force. When the people heard the sound of thunder, they knew Thor, whose name means thunder, and his hammer were at work!   Mjolnir is a magical relic item obtained from slaying Thor.   Mjolnir   Hit: +5 to attack and damage rolls   Damage: 2d8 bludgeoning + 2d8 lightning + 2d8 thunder   Reach: 5 ft.   Thrown: 50/150 ft.   Mjolnir's Return: Mjolnir will always return to your hand by the end of your turn.   Thunderous Smash: As a bonus action you may smash the ground at your feet and all creatures within a 10 foot radius must make a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw or be knocked prone. You may not use the smash ability again until you finish a short or long rest.   Lightning Bolt: As an action you may cast Lightning Bolt at 3rd level. You may not use the Lightning Bolt ability again until you finish a long rest.  
  • Warhammer
  • Legendary Artifact
  • Attunement by a creature Attuded to Jarnglofi (Attunment is instant for hammer. Jarnglofi and Mjolnir count as one attunement.)
  • Unable to be moved without wearing the gloves Jarnglofi
  • One-handed

Mechanics & Inner Workings

One-Handed   This weapon requires only one hand and can't be mechanically used Two-Handed when you Attack with it.   Attunement   Some magic items require a creature to form a bond with them before their magical properties can be used. This bond is called attunement, and certain items have a prerequisite for it. If the prerequisite is a class, a creature must be a member of that class to attune to the item. (If the class is a spellcasting class, a monster qualifies if it has spell slots and uses that class's spell list.) If the prerequisite is to be a spellcaster, a creature qualifies if it can cast at least one spell using its traits or features, not using a magic item or the like. Without becoming attuned to an item that requires attunement, a creature gains only its nonmagical benefits, unless its description states otherwise. For example, a magic shield that requires attunement provides the benefits of a normal shield to a creature not attuned to it, but none of its magical properties.   Attuning to an item requires a creature to spend a short rest focused on only that item while being in physical contact with it (this can't be the same short rest used to learn the item's properties). This focus can take the form of weapon practice (for a weapon), meditation (for a wondrous item), or some other appropriate activity. If the short rest is interrupted, the attunement attempt fails. Otherwise, at the end of the short rest, the creature gains an intuitive understanding of how to activate any magical properties of the item, including any necessary command words.   An item can be attuned to only one creature at a time, and a creature can be attuned to no more than three magic items at a time. Any attempt to attune to a fourth item fails; the creature must end its attunement to an item first. Additionally, a creature can't attune to more than one copy of an item. For example, a creature can't attune to more than one ring of protection at a time.   A creature's attunement to an item ends if the creature no longer satisfies the prerequisites for attunement, if the item has been more than 100 feet away for at least 24 hours, if the creature dies, or if another creature attunes to the item. A creature can also voluntarily end attunement by spending another short rest focused on the item, unless the item is cursed.


The Hammer’s Creation   Mjölnir was created through the trickery of the god Loki also known as the trickster. Loki was up to his customary shenanigans one day, when he got on the wrong side of Thor after he cut off the golden locks of hair of Thor’s wife, Sif. Thor became infuriated and threatened to shatter his bones, but Loki managed to dodge Thor’s wrath, promising he would acquire even lovelier locks for Sif from the dwarves. Thor capitulated and let Loki go to Svartalfheim, the caves where the dwarves resided.   The dwarves were allegedly master craftsmen and thus Loki succeeded in his task, even managing to trick the dwarves into producing more treasured items. Loki accepted the wondrous new head of hair from the sons of one of the dwarves, Ivaldi. The two dwarves also created another two magnificent pieces, Skidbladnir, a ship that could fold up to fit in one’s pocket and always had the best winds in its sails, and a deadly spear called Gungnir. Loki was enamored by their masterful work and decided he wanted more! He tricked another two dwarf brothers, Brokkr and Sindri, into crafting further fine works for him. He manipulated them by saying they would not be able to craft better items than the other two brothers had. Sindri then created Gullinbursti, a boar with golden hair, even though Loki had turned into a fly and tried to put him off his task. Sindri created another piece called the Draupnir, a golden ring which reproduced itself eight times every ninth night. Next, Sindri began to work on a hammer, but Loki, who had turned into a fly again, bit him on the eyelid. He managed to still produce Mjölnir even with Loki’s interference, but the weapon ended up having a shorter handle than he wished.   The two dwarf brothers, Sindri and Brokkr, went up to Asgard to claim payment for the three magnificent pieces they’d created, but unfortunately for them, Loki arrived back first. Loki gave the hammer and new hair to Thor, the ring and spear to Odin , and the ship and the golden-haired boar he gave to Frey. The gods acknowledged Loki needed to stick to the deal he had struck with the dwarves, which now required him to offer them his head! He had bet his head on the dwarves not achieving his challenge, yet he still managed to worm his way out of the arrangement. He reminded the dwarf brothers that his head was attached to his neck and he had not promised them his neck too! In the end, the dwarves were happy to merely sew Loki’s mouth shut!     "Then he gave the hammer to Thor, and said that Thor might smite as hard as he desired, whatsoever might be before him, and the hammer would not fail; and if he threw it at anything, it would never miss, and never fly so far as not to return to his hand; and if be desired, he might keep it in his sark, it was so small; but indeed it was a flaw in the hammer that the fore-haft was somewhat short."
Item type
Unique Artifact
2 tons
Base Price
50,000 gp
Related Myths

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