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The faith, practice, and church order of the Roman Catholic Church.

Tenets of Faith

Catholicism was started as a result of Jesus of Nazareth, a Jewish man whom Christians believe is the Son of God, a Christian belief known as the Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit). Catholics believe Jesus to be a descendant of David, a Jewish king from a long time ago. Jesus was crucified by the Romans in the year 33 AD. Catholics believe Jesus rose from the dead, and spoke to his followers, called the twelve Apostles. They also believe that Jesus rose into Heaven, and then sent the Holy Spirit to guide his followers at an event known as Pentecost.   One of his followers, the apostle named Saint Peter, was appointed leader by Jesus and later became recognized as the first Pope, or Bishop of Rome, soon after that he was captured and was martyred in Rome. Catholics believe that Saint Peter was given the "keys of the Kingdom of Heaven," meaning that Jesus made him and the apostles in charge of forgiving sins.    In 325, the First Council of Nicaea agreed on how to organize the church. The council agreed the Church had five patriarchs. The five leaders were the archbishops of Rome, Alexandria, Antioch, Constantinople, and Jerusalem. The Patriarch of Rome was honored as "first among equals."


Catholic Pope: Catholics believe that Saint Peter passed the Apostolic Power, given to him by Christ, to the Popes, who continue to pass the power through the papacy to this day.    The word pope comes from the Latin word for "father."


Many different denominations of Christians call themselves "catholic", including:
  • Roman Catholic Church.
  • Eastern Orthodox
  • Oriental Orthodox
  • Old Catholic
  • Anglican
  • Some Lutheran
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Religious, Divine Host
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