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Fan Chi-Min (FAWN CHEE-minn)

Chi Min Fan (a.k.a. Little C)

Born to refugees from the Asian Republic in the aftermath of World War III, she faced hardships from an early age. Physically small but in good shape, Fan Chi-Min's patience can be tested, leading to a short temper. Her passion for upcycling, traveling, and watching YouTube videos contrasts with her troubled history. Despite her challenges, she taught herself to read and found solace in her garden. Fan Chi-Min's disdain for dishonesty and a "conqueror" mentality reflects her strong moral convictions.

Divine Domains

Chi-Min's connection to Buddhism serves as her primary spiritual framework, providing guidance in her daily life.


The artifact Fan Chi-Min is tasked with finding and curing is the Chinese Stone of Metal. This stone holds significance in the divine narrative as one of the Stones of Nüwa used to repair the Pillars. Its restoration is crucial for maintaining the balance of historical forces.

Holy Books & Codes

While Buddhism doesn't have a traditional set of holy books, its teachings are encapsulated in texts like the Dhammapada. Fan Chi-Min's understanding of the divine may be subtly influenced by Buddhist scriptures.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The tenets of Fan Chi-Min's Buddhist faith likely include compassion, mindfulness, and the pursuit of enlightenment.

Tenets of Faith

Rooted in Buddhism, Fan Chi-Min adheres to principles such as the Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path, and the cultivation of mindfulness and compassion. These tenets guide her moral compass and daily life.


Buddhist holidays and observances mark Fan Chi-Min's spiritual calendar. She participates in events like Vesak, commemorating the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and death, without recognizing any additional divine significance in her own life.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Fan Chi-Min maintains good physical shape, embodying a petite stature at 5'3" and 130 lbs. Despite her small size, she exudes strength and resilience, a result of her experiences and the demands of her daily life.

Body Features

Chi-Min's dark brown skin complements her short, a-line cut, green hair. Brown, squinty eyes add a distinctive touch to her facial features. She has a mole on her left cheek.

Facial Features

Chi-Min's facial features are marked by her squinty brown eyes, complementing her overall look. The mole on her left cheek adds a subtle charm to her face.

Identifying Characteristics

Beyond her physical features, Chi-Min carries a tattoo on her upper back depicting a woman dressed as a teddy

Physical quirks

A notable physical quirk of Chi-Min is her squinty eyes, which may convey a sense of discernment or focused attention.

Special abilities

Chi-Min possesses the extraordinary ability of Omnilingualism. This power enables her to speak, write, understand, and communicate in any Earthly language.

Apparel & Accessories

Chi-Min's fashion sense leans towards casual and comfortable attire, often seen in tank tops that align with her obsession with them.

Specialized Equipment

As a bookie for gamblers, Chi-Min utilizes tools of the trade, such as ledgers, communication devices, or other resources essential for her role in managing bets and transactions.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Fan Chi-Min's life has been marked by the challenges of displacement and survival. Born to parents who were refugees from the Asian Republic, she faced the harsh realities of war. Her father's early demise left her and her mother seeking refuge in America, where they navigated life in a working-class neighborhood. Unfortunately, at the tender age of 13, Chi-Min experienced the abandonment of her mother, adding another layer of hardship to her young life.

Gender Identity

Chi-Min identifies as a female.


Chi-Min's sexuality is not explicitly defined, but her focus on her interests and survival suggests that romantic relationships may not be a central aspect of her current life.


Despite facing adversity, Chi-Min did not complete formal schooling. However, she is a self-taught individual, demonstrating a keen intellect and a love for learning, as evidenced by her ability to read at a young age.


In her pursuit of survival, Chi-Min engages in the role of a bookie for gamblers, showcasing her resourcefulness in a challenging environment. This occupation reflects her pragmatic approach to making a living.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Chi-Min's ability to speak, write, understand, and communicate in any Earthly language is a unique and valuable skill. This accomplishment sets her apart and aids in her various endeavors.

Failures & Embarrassments

Her arrest at the age of 14 for arson and subsequent confinement in Juvie for nine months is a significant embarrassment in Chi-Min's past.

Mental Trauma

Abandoned by her mother at 13, Chi-Min carries the emotional scars of this traumatic event. The impact of parental abandonment can deeply affect an individual's sense of security and trust.

Intellectual Characteristics

Chi-Min's self-taught reading ability and her enjoyment of spending time in her garden showcase her intellectual curiosity and resourcefulness. Her role as a bookie also suggests a strategic and analytical mindset.

Morality & Philosophy

Identifying as Buddhist, Chi-Min likely adheres to the teachings of Buddhism, emphasizing compassion, mindfulness, and the pursuit of inner peace. These principles likely influence her moral compass and decision-making.


Chi-Min holds a strong aversion to liars, thieves, and individuals with a "conqueror" mentality. This suggests a moral code that values honesty, integrity, and a rejection of exploitative behavior.

Personality Characteristics

Savvies & Ineptitudes

Chi-Min excels in upcycling and has a knack for turning discarded items into something valuable. She is adept at understanding and speaking languages. However, she may struggle with impatience, especially when her efforts are hindered or when dealing with those who lack a sense of historical appreciation.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Upcycling projects that breathe new life into old items.
  • Exploring different cultures through travel.
  • Watching educational YouTube videos.
  • Individuals with a dismissive attitude towards history.
  • Wastefulness and lack of appreciation for the past.
  • Being deceived or lied to.

Personality Quirks

Chi-Min has a habit of absentmindedly tracing the mole on her left cheek when lost in thought. She tends to squint her eyes when concentrating, emphasizing her thoughtful nature.


Chi-Min maintains a simple hygiene routine. She enjoys spending time in her garden, finding solace in nature. She prefers practical and comfortable clothing, like tank tops, reflecting her down-to-earth approach to life.


Contacts & Relations

Fan Chi-Min's closest friend and partner in crime is Elise Long. Her relationships are limited due to her experiences, but she forms connections with those who share her values and interests, often finding solace in the company of fellow upcyclers and history enthusiasts.

Family Ties

Fan Chi-Min's family history is marked by hardship. Her parents were refugees from the Asian Republic, and her father passed away when she was just two years old. Her mother abandoned her at the age of 13, leaving Fan Chi-Min to navigate life on her own.

Religious Views

Fan Chi-Min identifies as Buddhist, finding solace and guidance in the teachings of Buddhism. Her beliefs likely influence her approach to life and how she navigates challenges.

Social Aptitude

Despite her time in Juvie and Crete Ranch, Fan Chi-Min possesses a calm and caring demeanor. Her social aptitude shines in her ability to connect with like-minded individuals who share her passion for history, upcycling, and cultural understanding.


Fan Chi-Min's mannerisms include absentmindedly tracing the mole on her left cheek when deep in thought. She also squints her eyes when concentrating, emphasizing her thoughtful nature.

Hobbies & Pets

Fan Chi-Min enjoys spending time in her garden, finding joy in nurturing plants. She may not have pets due to her circumstances, but her connection with nature serves as a therapeutic hobby.


Fan Chi-Min's speech is likely influenced by her multicultural background and the various languages she can effortlessly understand and speak. She may incorporate phrases or expressions from different languages into her speech.

Wealth & Financial state

Fan Chi-Min comes from a working-class background, and her time in Juvie and Crete Ranch has limited her financial resources. She relies on her skills and resourcefulness for day-to-day needs.
Please Remember:
Age of Clay is a fictional timeline.
Most of this information was adapted from historical records to match the plotline.
All of the images on this site were found using public search domains.
I do not claim them as my own!
Divine Classification
Clio - Muse of History
Date of Birth
7th Aug, 2038
brown, squinty
short, a-line cut, green
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
dark brown
130 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Every tale has its place in history; I'm here to uncover them all."
"In every language, the echoes of history resonate."
"The past may be written, but the future is yet to be composed."
Known Languages
Due to her unique power of Omnilingualism, Chi-Min can speak and understand all languages.


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