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Melani Ricci (mel-AH-nee REE-chee)

Melani Elaine Ricci (a.k.a. Mel)

Melani Elaine Ricci, also known as "Mel," is a complex and resilient individual with a multifaceted identity. Rooted in her Catholic faith, she adheres to the Bible's teachings, emphasizing the moral and ethical codes outlined in the scriptures. A distinctive aspect of her identity is her hermaphroditism, allowing her to effortlessly embody either biological sex. Her traumatic past, including a violent robbery incident and her arrest for vigilantism, shaped her resilient spirit.

Divine Domains

Melani, as a follower of the Catholic faith, recognizes the divine domain of the Catholic Church. This encompasses the teachings, doctrines, and spiritual authority of the Church, including its moral guidance and sacraments.


The artifact Melani is responsible for finding and curing is the Holy Lance of Longinus. The Lance is believed to be the spear that pierced the side of Jesus during his crucifixion. It is considered a significant relic with deep spiritual and historical importance.

Holy Books & Codes

Melani adheres to the holy books of the Catholic Church, primarily the Bible, which includes the Old and New Testaments. She follows the moral and ethical codes outlined in these scriptures as a guide for her faith and actions.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

The cross is a prominent divine symbol for Melani, representing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the redemption offered through his sacrifice. It serves as a powerful emblem of her Catholic faith.

Tenets of Faith

Melani follows the fundamental tenets of the Catholic faith, including belief in the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit), the divinity of Jesus Christ, the resurrection, and the teachings of the Church.


Melani observes the traditional Catholic holidays, such as Christmas, Easter, and other liturgical celebrations that mark significant events in the life of Jesus Christ and the Christian calendar. These holidays hold deep spiritual meaning for her.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

As a Catholic, Melani's divine goals include living a virtuous life according to the teachings of the Church, seeking salvation, and fostering a deep connection with God through prayer and sacraments.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Melani maintains good physical health despite being slightly overweight. Her robust physique, characterized by well-toned muscles, reflects her resilience and ability to recover from past injuries.

Body Features

Standing tall at 5'8", Melani possesses a distinctive physical presence. Her long, dark brown hair complements her light skin, and her expressive green eyes add depth to her overall appearance.

Facial Features

Melani's facial features radiate femininity, aligning with her transgender identity. Short, dark brown hair frames her face, highlighting her expressive eyes and a well-defined jawline.

Identifying Characteristics

Melani's identifying features include hermaphroditism a rare condition that allows her to effortlessly embody either biological sex.

Physical quirks

Despite her physical robustness, Melani harbors a severe phobia of chickens, an idiosyncrasy that contrasts with her otherwise confident and assertive demeanor.

Special abilities

Melani's unique ability, Gender Transcendence, allows her to navigate the world with both sets of functioning sexual organs. This extraordinary power adds a layer of complexity to her identity and interactions.

Apparel & Accessories

Melani's preferred attire consists of comfortable tunic shirts, leggings, and Converse shoes. When not at home, she opts for jeans and hoodies. Her sense of style is complemented by a smartwatch, a rose gold bracelet, and multiple rings on each hand.

Specialized Equipment

Melani doesn't possess specialized equipment but carries a smartwatch for practical and aesthetic purposes.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Melani faced early challenges as her parents, consumed by meth and cocaine, handed her over to her grandparents at the age of 3. Despite this, Melani's spirit remained resilient, and she grew up in a working-class neighborhood, raised by her mother after her father's early demise.

Gender Identity

Melani identifies as a hermaphrodite woman possessing both sets of functioning sexual organs. This unique aspect of her identity allows her to easily pass for either biological sex.


Melani identifies herself as feminine-leaning, and therefore considers herself to be straight.


Currently attending Jordan College, Melani is a dedicated student with a keen interest in business studies, politics, and economics.


Melani works at Napa Auto Parts, showcasing her commitment to both her studies and practical work experience.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Overcoming a traumatic robbery incident at the age of 17, Melani displayed incredible resilience while recovering from severe injuries, including:
  • 6 broken ribs, 2 cartilage piercings torn out, broken left hip, shattered pelvis, a broken jaw, 2 hemorrhages in her brain that required surgery, 1st & 2nd Degree burns, rectal tearing, and a broken right shoulder that needed to be replaced.

Failures & Embarrassments

Arrested for vigilantism against sexual predators, Melani served time at Crete Ranch until the age of 18, facing the consequences of her actions.

Mental Trauma

The early separation from her parents and the intense physical trauma from the robbery incident left lasting mental imprints on Melani.

Intellectual Characteristics

Melani exhibits intellectual curiosity, particularly in her chosen academic fields of business studies, politics, and economics.

Morality & Philosophy

As a Catholic, Melani draws moral guidance from her faith, navigating life with a set of values rooted in the teachings of the Catholic Church.


Melani, despite her assertive and sometimes bossy demeanor, adheres to societal norms and avoids transgressions that might conflict with her Catholic beliefs.

Personality Characteristics


Melani's primary motivation stems from her role as a vigilante, driven by a strong sense of justice to catch sexual predators. Her traumatic past and experiences fuel her determination to make a positive impact on the world by protecting others.

Personality Quirks

Melani's quirk includes an obsession with coloring, serving as a therapeutic outlet for her emotions. She may also exhibit a heightened sense of alertness, a residue of her experiences as a vigilante.


Melani maintains good hygiene practices, prioritizing cleanliness and personal care. Regular grooming, coupled with a conscientious approach to her appearance, reflects her self-respect and attention to detail.


Contacts & Relations

Melani's closest ally is her best friend, Tom King. She also shares companionship with Bailey Gomez and Arthur O'Neill, bonded by their shared interest in yoga. Her romantic relationship with Hugh Bailey Thompson adds a layer of emotional support.

Family Ties

Melani's early life involved being given to her grandparents at the age of 3 due to her parents' struggles with drugs. The absence of direct family involvement shapes her independent spirit.

Religious Views

As a devout Catholic, Melani adheres to the teachings and beliefs of the Catholic Church, finding solace and guidance in her faith.

Social Aptitude

Melani's extroverted and charming nature contributes to her strong social aptitude. However, her occasional bossiness and control tendencies may affect interpersonal dynamics.


Melani exhibits assertive and decisive mannerisms, a reflection of her role as a vigilante. Her style is a mix of confidence and a hint of vulnerability.

Hobbies & Pets

Melani's severe phobia of chickens makes it unlikely for her to keep pets. Her primary hobby is her therapeutic obsession with coloring, providing an outlet for emotional release.


Melani's speech is characterized by a confident and determined tone. In everyday conversations, her Italian heritage may influence occasional expressive and passionate speech patterns.

Wealth & Financial state

Melani's financial status is modest, supported by her job at Napa Auto Parts. Her focus lies more on her mission as a vigilante than amassing wealth.
Please Remember:
Age of Clay is a fictional timeline.
Most of this information was adapted from historical records to match the plotline.
All of the images on this site were found using public search domains.
I do not claim them as my own!
Divine Classification
Melpomene - Muse of Tragedy
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Her vigilante persona is "Serafina"
Date of Birth
7th May, 2037
Transgender MtF
short, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Quotes & Catchphrases
"No one should live in fear"
"Stand up against the darkness." "Justice knows no boundaries; I'm here to ensure that." "In the face of darkness, we must be the light that guides others to safety."
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Fluent in English, Gaelic, and Italian


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