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Poloma Deboule (poe-LOW-mah day-BOO-lee)

Poloma Raven Deboule (a.k.a. P3NGU1N)

Poloma Deboule, the reincarnation of Polyhymnia and an Alaskan Native of Tlingit descent, is a harmonious blend of creativity, rebellion, and a quest for freedom. In the digital realm, Poloma reigns with prowess and audacity. Her proficiency in deciphering Godly languages adds a mystical layer to her proficiency online. Her faith encompasses Tlingit traditions, weaving together divine symbols, sacred tenets, and a reverence for nature.

Divine Domains

Poloma, as the reincarnation of Polyhymnia, is affiliated with the divine domain of Godly Praise. This encompasses her connection to the divine realm of muses and the inherent power associated with the appreciation of beauty, creativity, and the sacred arts.


The cursed artifact that Poloma is responsible for curing is the Box of Daylight, also known as the Box of Mørkraft. Her responsibility for curing this cursed object implies a connection to the restoration of light, creativity, and inspiration. The artifact holds symbolic importance in her divine journey, representing the power to dispel darkness and reveal the brilliance of divine expression.

Holy Books & Codes

Poloma's recognition of holy books and codes align with the ancient texts and oral traditions of the Tlingit people. These include sacred narratives, chants, and rituals that embody the spiritual essence of her Alaskan Native heritage.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Tlingit symbols, reflecting the rich artistic traditions of the Alaskan Native culture, hold significance for Poloma. These symbols, whether carved, painted, or woven, serve as visual representations of divine connections and spiritual truths.

Tenets of Faith

The tenets of Poloma's faith involve a deep reverence for creativity, artistic expression, and the divine inspiration that transcends mortal understanding. Respect for nature and the interconnectedness of all living things are also fundamental tenets.


Tlingit-specific cultural and spiritual holidays are central to Poloma's observances. These involve ceremonies, dances, or rituals that celebrate the changing seasons, honor ancestral spirits, and express gratitude for the divine gifts of creativity and inspiration.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Poloma maintains good physical shape, reflecting a lifestyle that balances mental acuity with overall health and well-being. Her physique suggests a level of fitness conducive to her dynamic and potentially demanding endeavors.

Body Features

Poloma possesses an average height and light brown skin, hinting at a combination of genetic factors and exposure to varying environments. Her physical features contribute to a versatile and adaptable appearance.

Facial Features

Characterized by a harmonious blend of features, Poloma's face exudes a balanced aesthetic. Her facial structure, coupled with light brown skin, contributes to a distinctive and memorable presence.

Identifying Characteristics

Noteworthy identifying features include Poloma's hazel brown eyes with a touch of gold, adding a captivating and unique element to her appearance. This subtle detail may draw attention and leave a lasting impression.

Physical quirks

Poloma's physical quirks include a confident and purposeful stride, reflecting her assertive personality. A subtle restlessness or fidgeting may also manifest, aligning with her scatterbrained tendencies.

Special abilities

Poloma possesses the extraordinary ability to Read High Rune, a divine gift bestowed upon specific individuals by the Gods themselves. This power empowers her to read, understand, and decipher all Godly languages, providing her with a unique advantage in navigating the mystical and divine aspects of the world.

Apparel & Accessories

Poloma's clothing style embraces an androgynous aesthetic, mirroring her gender presentation. Her wardrobe suggests a blend of comfort, functionality, and an expression of personal identity. Dark brown, straight, long hair complements her Tlingit ancestry.

Specialized Equipment

As a skilled computer hacker, Poloma's specialized equipment includes advanced technological tools such as custom-built computers, encryption devices, and other gadgets that facilitate her activities in the digital realm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Poloma's early life was marked by the absence of her biological mother, who relinquished her to the care of her grandparents in northern Oregon. Raised in a middle-class environment, her grandparents endeavored to provide her with every possible advantage despite the familial disruption. The geographical shift from Palmer, Alaska, to Lynnwood, WA, played a role in shaping her cultural identity.

Gender Identity

Poloma identifies as female but embraces an androgynous presentation, reflecting a fluidity that transcends traditional gender norms. This aspect of her identity becomes an intrinsic part of her character, influencing her interactions with the world.


Poloma's sexuality is a nuanced aspect of her character, with her androgynous presentation suggesting an openness to diverse expressions of identity and attraction. Her personal journey in this realm unfolds as part of her broader narrative.


Poloma's intelligence is evident, though her formal education is disrupted by her rebellious nature and eventual arrest. The influence of her grandparents' efforts to provide advantages suggests a potential academic foundation.


As a skilled computer hacker, Poloma engages in activities that challenge authority, especially by infiltrating government systems. Her employment aligns with her rebellious and creative inclinations.

Accomplishments & Achievements

Poloma's notable achievements lie in her prowess as a hacker, navigating complex digital landscapes. Her actions draw attention for both technical finesse and the audacity to challenge powerful entities.

Failures & Embarrassments

The pivotal failure in Poloma's life occurred in 2051 when her hacking activities led to her arrest. The embarrassment of being incarcerated at Crete Ranch: For Juvenile Delinquents represents a significant setback.

Mental Trauma

Poloma's experiences, from maternal abandonment to incarceration, contribute to a complex mental landscape. The emotional toll of these events manifest in her sadistic tendencies and scatterbrained nature.

Intellectual Characteristics

Poloma exhibits both creativity and intelligence, traits evident in her hacking exploits. However, her scatterbrained tendencies introduce an element of unpredictability to her intellectual profile.

Morality & Philosophy

Poloma's morality appears nuanced, driven by a willingness to challenge authority through hacking. Her actions are motivated by a sense of justice, rebellion, and a desire to expose hidden truths within powerful institutions.


Given Poloma's Tlingit ethnicity and connection to Native American beliefs, her upbringing instilled certain taboos deeply rooted in the cultural and spiritual traditions of her people.

Personality Characteristics


Poloma is driven by a fervent desire for freedom and autonomy. Her experiences, from maternal abandonment to incarceration, fuel a motivation to break free from societal constraints and challenge authority. The pursuit of knowledge, artistic expression, and a sense of justice are also key motivators, shaping her actions and choices.

Savvies & Ineptitudes

  • Skilled at playing the flute, weaving melodic tales that resonate with emotion.
  • Proficient in deciphering and manipulating various computer code languages.
  • Adept at navigating complex digital landscapes as a hacker.
  • Struggles with authority, often finding it challenging to conform to societal norms.
  • Tends to be scatterbrained, leading to occasional lapses in focus.

Likes & Dislikes

  • Playing the flute and indulging in the poetic realm.
  • Writing short stories that capture the essence of human experiences.
  • Exploring and learning new computer code languages.
  • Any attempt to restrict or limit individual freedoms.
  • Authorities who abuse their power and manipulate information.
  • Conformity and the suppression of creativity.

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Tenacious pursuit of freedom, justice, and the right to self-expression.
  • Compassion for the underprivileged and those oppressed by authority.
  • Adaptable and quick-thinking, especially in the realm of hacking.
  • Exceptional musical talent with the flute, providing a source of solace and artistic expression.
  • The ability to find beauty and inspiration in the chaos of life's uncertainties.
  • Quick adaptation to new computer code languages, showcasing a versatile intellect.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Tendency towards sadism, especially when challenging oppressive systems.
  • Impulsiveness in decision-making, driven by a rebellious spirit.
  • Difficulty trusting others due to past experiences of abandonment.
  • Prone to bouts of melancholy, reflecting the internal struggles inherent in her complex journey.

Personality Quirks

Taps fingers rhythmically when deep in thought or contemplating a hack.
Expresses frustration with a subtle musical hum, turning moments of tension into melodic expressions.


Maintains a basic and pragmatic approach to hygiene, prioritizing functionality over extravagance.
Finds solace in the ritualistic aspects of personal care, viewing it as a small sanctuary amidst chaos.



Poloma's reign is not of traditional royalty but is marked by her influence in the virtual realm. As a skilled hacker, she holds a certain digital dominion, navigating the vast landscapes of cyberspace with prowess and audacity.

Contacts & Relations

Poloma's best friend is Violet Perry, with whom she shares a deep bond forged in the challenging environment of Crete Ranch: For Juvenile Delinquents. Their friendship extends beyond shared hardships, evolving into a connection marked by mutual understanding and shared interests.

Family Ties

The familial connection for Poloma centers on her grandparents who raised her in northern Oregon. Her relationship with her mother, marked by abandonment, adds complexity to her family dynamics.

Religious Views

Poloma's connection to her Native American heritage influences her spiritual beliefs. The Tlingit ethnicity contribute to a worldview that blends ancient traditions with the divine.

Social Aptitude

While she may excel in virtual interactions and connections within the hacking community, Poloma's real-world social skills are affected by her rebellious tendencies and the challenges she faced in her personal history.


Displays a confident and purposeful demeanor, reflective of her rebellious spirit.
Possesses a certain digital elegance in her movements, a reflection of her proficiency in coding and navigating virtual spaces.

Hobbies & Pets

Poloma's miniature lynx, Ripley, serves as a cherished companion and a link to her time at Crete Ranch: For Juvenile Delinquents. Their bond transcends the digital realm, offering a source of comfort and connection.
She enjoys coding new software for her computer, combining creativity and technical prowess in a meaningful hobby.


Poloma's speech exhibits a blend of digital slang and poetic expressions, reflecting her dual passions for hacking and artistic pursuits.
Conversations carry an undercurrent of rebellion, challenging established norms and questioning authority.

Wealth & Financial state

Poloma's wealth is derived from her hacking activities, providing her with resources and capabilities to navigate the digital underworld. However, her wealth is not exactly conventional, residing more in her digital prowess than in material possessions.
Please Remember:
Age of Clay is a fictional timeline.
Most of this information was adapted from historical records to match the plotline.
All of the images on this site were found using public search domains.
I do not claim them as my own!
Divine Classification
Polyhymnia - Muse of Godly Praise
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Poloma's hacker handle is P3NGU1N
Date of Birth
2nd Jan, 2035
Palmer, Alaska
Current Residence
Lynnwood, WA
Hazel brown w/gold
Long, straight, dark brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Medium brown
140 lbs
Quotes & Catchphrases
"Freedom is the melody of life, and I refuse to play any other tune."
"In the code and the flute's song, I find the language of liberation." "Chaos is the canvas on which change is painted."
Native American
Known Languages
English, Haida


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