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Expanded Edible Items

Beer, Ale, & Mead Cost per Gallon Unique Wines Cost per Bottle Unique Spirits Cost per Bottle
Dragonbite bitter 15 gp Frostwine 40 gp Frenzywater 15 gp
Dwarfhead stout 30 gp Aleeian wine, elven 100 gp Moondrop, elven 220 gp
Mead, elven 60 gp Garnet wine, dwarven 90 gp Moonshine, dwarven (flask) 200 gp
Golden light, gnome 10 gp Mushroom wine 20–135 gp Kragg, orc 30 gp
Thudrud, goblin 2 gp Spiderblood, drow 150 gp
Brown ale, halfling 8 gp

Unique Alcoholic Beverages

Generic ales and wines can be found on the Effects of Drinking page. For something a bit more exotic, try these different kinds of alcohol.   Aleeian Wine, Elven. The grapes for this astounding wine are picked from wild vines located deep in the forest. It takes several months to find enough grapes to create even one batch   Dragonbite Bitter. The recipe for this exceptional dark beer is centuries old, and only the Dragonbite Brewery has been able to reproduce it.   Dwarfhead Stout. Found almost exclusively in dwarven communities, this powerful brew is a “day-to-day” beer favored by warriors.   Frenzywater. An extremely potent clear alcohol. Rumors of bottles spontaneously catching fire when exposed to sunlight have never been proven. Anyone with the rage class ability must make a Will save (DC 15) to resist flying into a rage after drinking a tankard of this liquor. If you have already expended all your rages for the day, then frenzywater has no additional effect other than making you irritable and surly.   Frostwine. This delicate white wine is created from an exotic blend of grapes that grow only in extreme northerly climes. Frost worms in particular are drawn to the scent of frostwine grapes in bloom, making it dangerous to harvest.   Garnet Wine, Dwarven. Made from grapes found high in the mountains, this fine, if bold, wine includes at least 10 gp worth of ground of garnet “for flavor.”   Golden Light, Gnome. A fine, lightweight beer with flowery accents, this is a favorite trade item with humans and halflings.   Kragg, Orc. This spirit is popular among orcs and goblins. It is extremely powerful and tastes dreadful to the nongoblinoid palate. Drinking a tankard of this foul brew nauseates anyone who is not an orc, halforc, goblin, or hobgoblin.   Mead, Elven. Although not normally famed for brewing, elves find exotic honey in their forest homes to create this delightful mead. Even dwarves find its taste appealing—though they are loath to admit it.   Moondrop, Elven. Exquisite beyond compare, this beverage can be produced only by someone with the Alchemy skill (DC 30). It is made through a bizarre process involving fresh dew and moonlight.   Mushroom Wine. Created by several different species that live below ground, there are many types of this wine. Prices range widely.   Brown Ale, Halfling. Found among the few permanent halfling settlements that have acquired the taste of ale. It has a pleasant, nutty flavor.   Spiderblood, Drow. A slight misnomer, this mushroom wine crafted by the drow includes a substantial dose of venom from poisonous spiders. Its taste is remarkable and unlike anything encountered on the surface world. Anyone not used to drinking this wine (usually a non-drow), must roll a DC 11 Constitution save or be poisoned, in addition to the effects of intoxication. Those wishing to overcome this poisonous effect must drink one glass over several hours, every day for three months.   Thudrud, Goblin. Almost universally avoided by non-goblinoid races, thudrud has been described as having the taste and smell of “a rotting cow that caught fire.” It is favored by some barbarians as the drink of choice.  
Spices and Seasonings Cost per Oz Spices and Seasonings Cost per Oz
Angelica 5 cp Laurel 4 gp
Anise 3 cp Lemon balm 2 sp
Basil 1 sp Liquorice root 4 sp
Bergamot 3 cp Lovage 1 sp
Borage 2 cp Mace 25 gp
Caraway 2 cp Marjoram 5 cp
Cardamon 1 gp Mint 3 cp
Chives 2 cp Mustard seed 5 cp
Cinnamon 1 gp Nutmeg 30 gp
Clary 8 cp Oregano 2 sp
Cloves 20 gp Parsley 4 cp
Coriander 1 sp Pepper 30 gp
Costmary 3 cp Poppy seed 8 gp
Cubeb 15 gp Rose hips 5 gp
Cumin 3 cp Rosemary 5 sp
Dillweed 3 cp Saffron 65 gp
Fennel seed 1 sp Sage 1 sp
Fenugreek 3 sp Salt 1 cp
Garlic 1 cp Sweet cicely 1 sp
Ginger 10 gp Tarragon 1 gp
Horehound 4 cp Thyme 1 sp
Horseradish 1 cp Turmeric 25 gp
Hyssop 5 cp Woodruff 1 sp
Juniper 3 sp
Corns Cost per Pound Oils Cost per Gallon
Barley 1 gp Olive oil 5 gp
Buckwheat 5 sp Almond oil 10 gp
Chick peas 3 gp Walnut oil 2 gp
Lentils 2 gp Hazelnut oil 3 gp
Millet 7 sp Sesame oil 10 gp
Oats 7 sp Sunflower oil 3 sp
Rice 5 gp Safflower oil 2 sp
Rye 7 sp Rapeseed oil 1 sp
Wheat 1 cp
Flours Cost per Pound Sweeteners Cost
Barley 2 gp Honey 1 sp/pt.
Buckwheat 1 gp Marzipan 20 gp/oz.
Rye 15 sp Molasses 5 sp/pt.
Wheat 3 gp Sorghum 3 sp/pt.
Sugar 1 gp/lb.
Dried Fruits & Vegetables Cost Meat and Fish Cost per Pound
Apples 1 gp/lb. Beef
Apricots 15 gp/lb. -Corned 3 gp
Carrots 1 gp/oz. -Dried 5 gp
Cherries 5 sp/oz. -Jerked 7 gp
Currants 1 sp/oz. -Sausage 2 gp
Dates 5 gp/oz. -Smoked 4 gp
Elderberries 1 sp/oz. Buffalo
Fig 7 gp/oz. -Dried 30 gp
Green beans 2 sp/oz. -Jerked 45 gp
Green peas 2 sp/lb. Cod
Mushrooms 1 gp/lb. -Salted 5 gp
Onion 5 sp/oz. -Smoked 7 gp
Peaches 15 gp/lb. Herring
Pears 5 gp/lb. -Pickled 3 gp
Prunes 3 gp/lb. -Salted 5 gp
Raisins 1 gp/lb. Pork
Tomatoes 1 gp/lb. -Bacon 4 gp
-Ham 5 gp
Nuts Cost per Pound -Salted 3 gp
Almonds 3 gp -Sausage 1 gp
Cashews 20 gp Salmon
Chestnuts 1 gp -Salted 10 gp
Hazelnuts 5 sp -Smoked 15 gp
Pine nuts 10 gp Sardines 4 gp
Pistachios 15 gp
Walnuts 3 sp
Exotic Items Cost Exotic Items Cost
Chilies 25 gp/lb. Paprika 30 gp/oz.
Coffee 50 gp/lb. Pimento 40 gp/oz.
Coconut 50 gp/lb. Pineapple 150 gp/lb.
Hickory nuts 200 gp/lb. Sarsaparilla 10 gp/oz.
Lotus 100 gp/oz. Tobacco 5 sp/lb.
Maple sugar 75 gp/gal. Vanilla 75 gp/oz.
Walnuts, black 100 gp/lb.

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