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Mala Esari

Population: 3000 normally, Currently 4000 - Recently increased as refugees fled the north. Ruled over by Lord Onvyr Petris - a vassal of House Dakrana. He is a knight and one of Duke Calarel Dakrana’s men at arms. He was given the title of Knight by one of the Baron’s sworn to Dakrana when he was given lordship of Mala Esari.   Located 9 days travel by road from Elyenahone, and 3 days travel by road from Arkala. It is on the border of the Dakrana Duchy and the Glynsage Duchy. By riverboat it takes 7 days from Elyenahone, and 2 days from Arkala. Built right alongside the Alu’Rannath River (Means Flowing Course in elvish) - Also called the Rannath or the Ran or Run, by those in common.   Mala Esari is a prosperous market town that has recently been overwhelmed by a surge of refugees from the north. It has a large market square and row, as well as a collection of reputable craftsmen, several of which are members of the national guild. It has 3 taverns, and three inns, as well as bunkhouses for those traveling the river. All of which are currently full to the rooftops with people. There are also plenty of people camping outside of the city limits, and more sleeping in the alleys between homes.   Lord - Onvyr Petris, 358 year old elf man. Lives in the keep that overlooks the cliff next to the river in the center of old town. Lives with his wife and their son.   Lord’s Steward - Isil’ynor, 493 year old elf woman. Is the one in charge of all the goings on in the keep. She is a very corrupt individual and has connections with Nox Tempus.   Captain of the Town Guard - Darcassan, 262 year old elf man.   Sergeant at arms - Eril, 196 year old elf man.   Head of the merchant’s guild in town as well as a national rep - Orvu, 542 year old elf woman. Operates out of a large guild hall and warehouse in old town. Also owns a smaller warehouse directly next to the docks.   Druid Circle leader - Hestia, 689 years old elf woman - in charge of a small grove in the center of the old town. Has a group of 11 junior druid followers. The grove is a circle of 13 massive oak trees with a large rough standing stone in the center, carved with thousands of druidic runes.   Wizard - Throt, 83 year old half orc man, balding and nearly deaf and blind, wears very thick enchanted crystal spectacles and uses an enchanted ear horn. He wears incredibly strange combinations of colored clothing, most having an almost unintentional tie dye look to them. Primarily large tunics and loose baggy pants, with thick leather slippers. He walks with a staff that seems more for propping himself up than any kind of magical purpose. His face is more wrinkles than anything else, his smaller beady dark eyes hidden below bushy white eyebrows. His large tusks are very yellowed, his beard is thick and long and pure white. Lives in a modest two story home in the old town. The place is painted in very strange swaths of color as Throt is also fully colorblind. It is well maintained otherwise as his small collection of unseen servants maintain the place well enough. Most of his first floor is taken up by a kitchen in the back, a small bathroom and a store room. The front half is a sitting room and small library with the books he is comfortable sharing with the public who come to see him for information. His upstairs has his bedroom and a much larger library/office. His basement is where his arcane laboratory is as well as a moderately sized wine cellar. Throt is well read on the local area as he has lived in his current home and studied there for 55 years. He inherited the home from his teacher at the age of 30, a very old human wizard who had taken on Throt as an apprentice when he was only 15. Hadn’t had any children or family so left the place to Throt in spite of the protestations of the local elven families. Throt specializes in transmutation magic and has made it his life's work to master the secrets of transmutation in the hopes that he could create some kind of way to preserve his own mind for all time. He has never studied the arts of combat and has a distain for most of the flashy evocation magic as well as illusion and charm. He has however taken note of abjuration magic and has protected his home well.   Cleric of Corellon - Sagrun Tam, 462 year old elf man.   Cleric of Sehanine - Solitaria, 296 year old elf woman.   Cleric of Erathis - Barilgit, 193 year old dwarf woman.   Cleric of Pelor - Clydnep, 97 year old gnome man.   Knight of the Talon - Alefire, 29 year old tiefling man. Operates out of a small Knights Guild Hall located in the outer town. Currently houses a total of 4 members of the order. Alefire being the ranking member. The others are a Senior Squire and two freshly accepted squires.       The Hawk and Barrel - Run by Dylora, 32 year old goliath woman, Very tall 7 ft. As well as broad and strong. Her tavern has lots of mounted hunting trophies on the walls, and upstairs on her roof she has a small dove coop, and she also has a pet hawk named Sabricia whom she goes hunting with often. The tavern is located on the small unofficial market street of low town. It is a safe-haven for Nox, but Dylora is not actually part of the guild, she simply rents out her basement for storage sometimes, as well as her private dining room and suite on the second floor for Nox on a regular basis.   The Staggering Harlequin - Called the Quinn for short - has a sign of a very drunk jester. Right down by the low town docks and the bunk houses is the cheapest and rowdiest bar in town. Run by a pair of half orc brothers named - Edhurk and Ithrum. The two love a good rowdy tavern song and sell the shittiest and cheapest ale in town, as well as the occasional bottle of rotgut whiskey to the really desperate drunks.   The River Trident - Cheapest Tavern and Inn located right next to the cheap docks in outer town. Run by an older retired riverboat captain. A 60 year old human man named Captain Adric Saunders, he lives and works in the tavern with his wife Ezola, and their daughter Lara.   The Silver Bowyer - Located on the main town square this very fine and fancy establishment is run by a married couple of gnomes named Boovir, (male age 97) and Shepwi (female age 105)   Asya’tangar - The Cozy Hearth - Also located on the main town square, this is the largest and finest tavern in town. It was the first one created when the town was founded around 1000 years prior. It is run by an elven family the main face for the establishment is Rosana Shamar. An elven woman, age 232.         The Shaded Dancer - a large and very colorful brothel burlesque theater and tavern built on the corner of two main streets in low town. This building has a low ceilinged but very broad first floor with a large stage in the back. Has two more floors overhead full of rooms for rent. Run by a pair of Elven brothers, the very effeminate and drag wearing   Bunk Houses - Simply Called “Rooms and Beds for Rent” - the place is a large and very cheaply built long house style building near the docks with 6 private rooms that have 4 bunks a piece. The main room however has a total of 25 bunk beds so can sleep 50 if nobody doubles up or sleeps on the floor. - Owned by Lazziar Neriarel - Terred   General Store and Storage - Neriarel’s Shipping and General Wares - Run by Lazziar Neriarel, 251 year old, elf man Has connections with Nox Tempus, and is incredibly corrupt.     Leatherworker   Bowyer   Alchemist/Herbalist -   Baker   Butcher   Cobbler   Seamstress   Bookseller -   Silversmith


Primarily Elven with a mix of both humans, half elves, gnomes, and halflings. There is a small group of very wealthy elites who are exclusively Elven There also is a moderately wealthy middle class of craftsmen and merchants The rest of the townsfolk are primarily day laborers and workers who own little


The town is controlled and ruled over by a feudal lord, who controls the town guard and also owns the town and region, aside from some small estates and town homes which are owned by lesser nobility and other influential members of the town. The lord leases segments of his land to the merchants and craftsmen of the town but ultimately owns the majority of the land. Another exception to this is the druid circle and the temples which all each own their respective temples
Large town
Location under
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