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Uuthra - meaning Victorious in elvish - is the most heavily fortified city the elves have and it is where the majority of trade and diplomatic proceedings happen. This is also the city where the elven forces fought off the combined might of a human and dwarven assault leading to a halt in the fighting and the beginnings of talks for the accords. Therefore the city has the largest garrison of standing elven forces that exists on the continent.   Description of Uuthra - You leave the forested road and start crossing a large open field that borders a swift flowing river. Across the river along the bank for as far as you can see the are the towering, shining walls of Uuthra. The enormous glittering city rising above the walls its towers and spires looking as if they are made of glass in the sunlight. The open area between the forest and and city walls is about a mile and the road leads to a small fortification at the head of long bridge that spans the half mile of flowing water that stands between you and the city.   Large dragon headed turrets with massive ballista sit on top of every tower. You can also see many patrols of guards walking the walls.   As you get closer you can see a steady flow of wagons and carts going in and out of the enormous gate. There is a force of elven soldiers 30 strong standing to either side of the 40 foot wide gate. The doors stand 50 feet tall, there are two towers extending from the top of the guard house with the massive dragon head ballista pointing directly at the front entrance. You can see that these guards are wearing very fine elven mail, they are all holding very tall and thin shields and tall leaf bladed pikes. Their helms cover most of their faces but you can still see watchful eyes taking note of every merchant and traveler that passes in or out of the gate.   It is very clear to all of you why this city is called Uuthra or Victory in elvish, the force needed to assault and take such a place would be absolutely massive.
Large city
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