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Vashti Eressa

Vashti Eressa

Vashti is a member of the Elerinna, The tribe that Amethyst grew up with, She is also an old friend of Isilhowén, Amethyst's mentor and parental figure, in the region.   Standard greeting for the Elerinna - Good day sister, stars blessing be upon you
Translated in sylvan - Ala aure nesa, elen aistana na lye   Vashti is an older elven woman who does not spend more than a functional amount of time on her hygiene and looks. She is a hermit and is happy that way, she prefers her own company most of the time and only ever joins the rest of the Elerinna for festivals or in times of crisis.   She has symbols and markings in the region around her home that Amethyst or other members of the Elerinna would recognize as indicators of how to get to her home and trail markers on how to move quickly and safely through the region. People who are not of the Elerinna would not understand the markings even if they were able to find them which is unlikely for any except for the most perceptive.   Vashti is a bit of an enigma, few have heard of her but those who know her remember her very well. The old elf woman is actually a Wizard/Druid multi-class, she was trained a very long time ago in Uuthra and hated it, she still maintains her spell book and is a powerful wizard in many ways, she is however very much more invested in her druidic powers and maintaining the balance of the forest around her.   She has a very complete knowledge of her own region of the world, but has only a very old and out of date knowledge of the rest of Yonder or the world as a whole.   Vashti is a capable healer, she is a very powerful spellcaster, as well as a very talented alchemist. She is capable of brewing very powerful and complex potions. She usually has a large collection of different herbs and potions on hand, its her hobby to make new and strange potions, she doesn’t often get test subjects so will willingly part with the potions for a pittance as long as the person taking the potion agrees to give her feedback on it afterwards.   Some potions she may have on hand   Spider Sight - Bright green potion with a swirl of silver that never stops moving through the liquid. This potion Vashti believes will help you see better in the dark and all around make you more observant. It will, you get a +2 bonus to perception and have perfect darkvision for 120 feet. The only problem with the potion is your eyes. You sprout absolutely hideous spider eyes that completely cover the upper portion of your face. This potion lasts for 2 hours. When the effect ends the eyeballs make terrible popping sounds and green goo drips down your face effectively blinding you until you take at least 1 minute to clean it off, it really is terribly sticky almost web like.   Quick powder - Small amount of bright yellow powder in a very thin vial. This powder when snorted gives you a boost to your speed, it gives you an additional 10 feet of movement, the biggest drawback of this is that while you are under its effects you cannot stop shaking violently, anything that you attempt to do that requires finesse or a dexterous hand is done at disadvantage. Additionally you cant help but talk incredibly fast, and it makes you really really thirsty. The effects only last for 1 minute.   Ghost Juice - This small potion is an incredibly light and airy white liquid that is almost a gas, when drank it is intended to make you harder to hit which it does do. Once drank your body will become semi opaque and almost ghost like, while in this form you have resistance to all bludgeoning, slashing and piercing damage from a non magical attack. The drawbacks are you also do not add your strength modifier to the damage of any successful melee attacks, and the volume you speak at is barely audible. The effects of the potion last for 10 minutes.   Golem’s Strength - This dark grey potion is intended to boost your strength to that of a stone golem. It does in fact do that, you gain a +4 bonus to strength but at the same time you suffer a -4 to intelligence. The entire time you are under the effects of the potion you feel light headed and have a hard time forming thoughts and even speaking. The effect of this potion lasts for 1 hour.
Dark Green, very piercing stare
Long dark brown, kept in braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Weathered tan skin
5' 10"
115 lbs

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