
Aeroplankton by Mochi

Amassing in the skies in their trillions is aeroplankton. Plankton are microscopic lifeforms, so small they cannot propel themselves against currents, be it water, wind, or magic.

Aeroplankton is present on pretty much any planet, floating in the atmosphere while life carries on as normal. On a handful, aeroplankton is a serious issue.

Planktonic storms are the result of an atmosphere dense with aeroplankton. A single storm can kill millions of organisms, by clogging the respiratory system.

The composition of aeroplankton varies by planet, depending on what other organisms exist. Fungi and plant spores, small organisms such as polyps or tiny invertebrates, bacteria, protists, mosses, algaes, may all be aeroplankton.

Geographic Distribution
Related Weather Phenomena
Planktonic Storm


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