
Despite the oanie having a reputation that worsens, day by day, few stand out, tall and proud, and oppose their species' typical views and beliefs. The typical oanie standpoint on life is that they are superior. Plain and simple, most oanie put their lives before the lives of anything else in the Yonderverse.

Aryel Summers by Mochi

The species' physical power, intelligence, and beliefs are the sole reason these people have wiped out trillions across galaxies, and why nobody has the power to stop them. Some oanie fight back, using this power to try and prevent the oanie from destroying thousands more planets and civilisations.

This group comes together through the mutual despise of their species. Suffering from an internal hatred of their own physical being, an external hatred from trillions that stand against the oanie, the anti-oanie will never truly feel at peace.

This self-bestowed title has been used for hundreds of years. It is prominently worn by oanie social media figures, Aryel Summers for example, who have attempted to disassociate with their native species.

Many feel sorry for the anti-oanie, many feel pity. Many see it as a cry for attention and fame, and many doubt their honesty. But these people are fighting back against the oanie and making a genuine difference. Over sixty planets have been freed from their grip, all thanks to rallies and protests led by the anti-oanie. Whether you love or hate them, you cannot deny their drive and power.

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Species | Apr 11, 2024

An intelligent species from Karkhala. They have displaced trillions of people from their home planets, and so have alienated themselves from the entire Yonderverse.


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