Aroma Bush

Aroma bushes are a small, dark purple bush found in cold climates around the world. It is very popular with witch and wizard harmonids, as their healing properties is vital in many potions.

Basic Information


Aroma bushes grow out from one single point, with over 50 leaves in a bush. The leaves are long and thin, growing out diagonally and eventually curving downwards. The leaves are a dark purple, and in prolonged sunlight bleach a pinkish colour.

Ecology and Habitats

Aroma bushes grow on mountainsides in harsh climates. Their long roots keep them stable in the strong winds, and they grow in cracks where they are more protected. They grow far away from other aroma bushes so that each plant can get as many minerals and water from the ground as they possibly can.



Healing properties

Aroma bushes are sold worldwide for its healing properties. The scent of the aroma bush is said to cure minor diseases. Aroma bushes are used in lots of potions and elixirs that are used to heal people, manufactured across the globe. Special Aroma Bush Gardeners are tasked with the job of farming these bushes and ship them across the world. The job comes with dangers as giant bees are attracted to the aroma bushes, and will attack the gardener.

Frost Goblin deterrence

Aroma bushes are said to deter the frost goblins that live in the Frost Mountain Range. People who call the mountain home tie up a handful of aroma bush leaves and hang them in a necklace around their necks. Apparently, if a lot of people wear the aroma bushes the frost goblins will sense them and won't attack you or the village.

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