Yonderverse A bright and bustling universe, made with love

Brought to you by Mochimanoban, winner of Best World 2024
Explore the endless planets brimming with life in the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way. Winner of Best World 2024!

A warm, glowing light invites you in with open arms. Emerging through the blinding wormhole, you open your eyes and witness the unfolding of a solar system. Your starship rattles as a fleet of cargo ships pass above you, trailing behind flecks of tiny stardust. Shrill voices echo from an asteroid belt not far from where you landed. You can make out several planets orbiting a pair of stars, each one so unique, yet all orbit in harmony. You are here. You are home.


The Yonderverse is an ever-expanding sci-fantasy universe full of drama, conflict, a myriad of species, and complex planets and cultures.   This is a lifelong project that has been crafted with love and passion, and has captured the attention and imagination of so many readers.
August Updates, Projects, and Plans!
Goliath Blackfield Mussels by Mochi

To cool off from a very hectic Summer Camp in July, I probably won't write at my normal pace in August. I'm still working out how to balance my free time, between resting, writing, and doing other things, now that I have a full-time job. I'm still determined to keep working on this world, and that will never stop.

I'll be editing old articles throughout the month, as well as keeping a somewhat steady stream of fresh new content, expanding on previously undeveloped parts of my world. Keep an eye out!

Expect some exciting worldbuilding in the solar system we call home! That is the only writing I can promise. I am determined to flesh out more of our solar system's planets, and see how they are unique in the Yonderverse.

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