Ember Sea Slug

Ember sea slugs are a large species of sea slug that lives within the Volcania region, a chain of underwater volcanoes that have raised water temperatures over a hundred degrees Celcius.

Basic Information


The sea slugs are about 30cm long, large for a sea slug, even on Greenerth. The slug has a red hunched back, with yellow stripes going from its neck to its tail. The tail is short, with two furry segments connected, decreasing in size. The head of the slug has a snuffly nose, similar to a pig. The eyes are small and slim, very horizontal. The crest is where it gets its name, the short spikes look like fire, or embers.

Genetics and Reproduction

Ember sea slugs reproduce in Uribar, laying up to a million miniscule eggs within the cavern system underneath the volcanoes.

Growth Rate & Stages

Ember sea slugs live up to 4 weeks old. In the first week after hatching, they will grow from half a millimetre to their adult size, 30cm. As a baby, the spikes on its head do not exist, but grow as they become an adult.

Ecology and Habitats

Ember sea slugs thrive in hot climates underwater, which is why Volcania is the perfect environment for them. They can absorb energy from the volcanoes. They eat the various plants that grow in this boiling environment.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Ember sea slugs eat the few plant species in this hot region. They will climb up moonvines, and slowly eat the entire kelp from the tip of it all the way down to the roots, leaving the roots to grow the kelp back again.
Geographic Distribution
Related Ethnicities

Food for others

Ember sea slugs are eaten by the Volcanic Eusteans. They are caught with long sticks usually cooled down volcanic rock poles. They are stabbed with the sticks, and cooked over magma rivers, rotating like a kebab. They smell of burnt fish, and taste well wrapped in moonvine leaves.


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Jul 10, 2021 20:02 by Michael Holt

First of all, I love extremophiles so these guys are great! Awesome description of them too. They're big and reproduce fast! This makes me think they must require a lot of energy and be a big food source for other life. You mentioned the Eustians, but I'm curious about the general ecosystem that supports this. Those moonvines must grow fast and I'd expect they have some other big predators to keep their population in check. Do the Eustians farm them? Or do they just keep whatever other natural predators they have at bay and their growth rate is big enough to provide?   Great article!

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Jul 10, 2021 20:26 by Mochi

Correct, moonvines are fast growing, to be fair most plants are on Greenerth. Eustians don't farm them, but they do eat a lot of them so that can generally keep the population under control, and since the Eusteans only live in a small part of Volcania, the population of the sea slugs have exploded without any other natural predators. Glad you enjoyed my article! Best of luck with Summer Camp!

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