Light Accessory

Light accessories are common items with mages. They allow the user to use many spells involving light, such as Blinding Lights. The accessory is very common, available for free during mandatory courses in mage schools/universities.  

The centerpiece of the accessory is a ball of pure light. This is where the user draws power from, allowing them to execute many light spells. The accessory comes in a variety of things; necklaces, bracelets, barrettes among others. This ball of light is then encased in a metal cage of sorts, the metal curled and bent to look extremely fancy. Somehow the light actually prevents the metal from corroding, and the metal remains intact forever.

Light accessories are some of the most common items to have as a mage on Greenerth. These accessories are most worn as necklaces, with 56% opting for a small necklace, 17% opting for a bracelet, and 27% opting for others.

These accessories are given for free in university and school classes, where light magic is taught. They are sold as bracelets, necklaces, and hair pins/barrettes. Outside of education, these are sold for about 10 corral, however this can vary depending on the metal used to cover the light orb. Iron is traditionally used, but rarer metals are sometimes used and are more expensive.

These accessories were designed many years ago, almost a hundred, by an mage engineer who was able to harness pure light and form a ball out of it. The first ever light accessory, a necklace, is now held in the Hall of Majesties in Horruin.
Item type
Clothing / Accessory
Base Price
Free during school/university, at mage stores 10 corral


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