Mair Canaia Building / Landmark in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Mair Canaia

Mair Canaia is a historic building located just north of Surbaria. It was originally used as a religious building to worship the various Gods of Canaian, but since it was abandoned it has been used as a tourist attraction.

Purpose / Function


About a thousand years ago, this building was constructed by the Surbaria People as a special religious building used for worship. Every day, people would wander through the rainforest following paths to worship, and was run by volunteers who kept the building in a pristine condition.  


For the past 60 years, Mair Canaia has been used as a tourist site. After being abandoned for about a thousand years, the site was transformed after a young couple, Ydai and Wqor Meris, bought the land. They cleaned the entire place, from top to bottom, organised the site to become a tourist attraction and opened 9 months after paying for the land. Most tourists who visit Surbaria visit Mair Canaia, and has become a famous landmark in Canaian.


Once Mair Canaia was bought by the couple, simple cleaning took place. All the cobwebs that had formed in the corners of the rooms, the vines that had grown in almost every single gap in the infrastructure, and attempted to scare off all of the wildlife that had made their homes in the building. It was then transformed into a tourist attraction, guided paths lead visitors through each room with signs explaining the significance of everything, such as the brown carpets in the praying rooms


Mair Canaia is constructed of many stone variants, forming layers and patterns carved into the building. Mair Canaia is a perfect square shape, with flat ceilings and each floor being slightly smaller than the one below, all rotating at a fixed position. On each corner of each floor is a small, cone shaped tower, each one with a bell inside, rung only when there is an emergency. Seven floors are stacked on top of each other, forming a magnificently tall building with swirling rooves made from a bright blue slate.  


Every single interior for each floor is dominated with a pastel orange paint. Endless stained glass windows run along the walls, letting in light from outside. Above each window is a lantern made from a rusted iron with a flickering torch inside. If one of these torches die, then it is replaced almost immediately as it is believed that lit lanterns deter evil spirits. The floors of the interiors are carefully carved with small wooden sticks. This particular building allowed children to design the patterns on the floors, giving them full responsibility for the floor designs. As the floors have been walked on the designs have deteriorated, but some images of creatures such as feltrastes and gigamoths.


Mair Canaia is commonly found with many tourists. Open all year round, it is most popular with visitors from other countries who want to learn more about the history of Canaian. It is also popular with school children on trips to learn more about the religion. Ran by just a couple of people, they often require volunteers to help maintain the building as it is too large for two people to solely look after.
Founding Date
Parent Location


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