Mayhem Fish Species in Yonderverse | World Anvil

Mayhem Fish

The mayhem fish is a large fish species endemic to the Atigeo Sea of Hell. They are known for their unpredictable behaviours.


Mayhem fish grow to about 5 feet in length. Their body is split into two segments: the head, which is large and shaped like a rounded heart, and their thorax, which is shaped like a teardrop.

They have large heads with a hole at the top, and a feather-like head fin. Their pelvic fins are connected to the bottom of their heads, along with two fin-like appendages on either side of their large eyes. Their bodies are smaller, with a giant hole in the middle.


Mayhem fish are the least fussy eaters of the entire Atigeo Sea. They have incredibly strong digestive acids, and can consume fish, crustaceans, birds, mammals, reptiles, insects and other invertebrates, plants, fungi, coral, and a whole host of other foods. When a giant food source has been located these fish go into a crazed feeding frenzy, and in seconds the entire corpse is consumed.


During mating season, all the fish in a shoal will mate with each other. The animals will temporarily turn blind, and will mate with whatever fish they run into, male or female. Reproduction is messy, and many fish get hurt, some even die, and scientists cannot figure out why they turn blind.


Mayhem fish live in giant shoals of up to a thousand, sometimes two thousand. These shoals swim in the deeper waters of the sea, and other animals actively avoid them. The shoals work as a team, and if one fish wants to swim in one direction, the others will follow. There is no leader and all fish are equals.


Mayhem fish have interesting behaviours, in that they are completely unpredictable. One second they may seem friendly and huggable, the next they are trying to rip your face off. Mayhem fish get their name from this behaviour, as the fish are described as "manic" and "unpredictable" by Karkhalan workers.
20 years
Average Length
5 feet
Geographic Distribution

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