Plankton Filtration Mask

On planets where planktonic storms are a frequent danger, filtration masks are a vital gadget. They come in many forms, designed to handle the type of plankton found on different planets.

Plankton Filter Mask by Mochi

Modern filtration masks focus on comfort more than anything. Designing filtration systems that can funnel out plankton is fairly simple. Inside the central nozzle, which covers the nose and mouth, are several layers of extremely thin mesh that block aeroplankton particles, from miniscule invertebrates to the tiniest of bacteria.

The quality of masks can vary, and simpler ones can only block some aeroplankton. Most need to be cleaned after a while, especially after being worn in a planktonic storm. Even masks that aren't used need to be cleaned, as plankton can get everywhere at all times.

Some filtration masks cover the entire head and can weigh up to a kilogram. These are not as common in modern times, as better quality masks have been designed, that are much smaller and less obtrusive.

These filtration masks are a common item on planets such as Norrab, Daenis, and Osao, where planktonic storms are common.

How to stay safe in a Planktonic Storm!

Find shelter in a titan trunk!
If you have a filtration mask, put it on!
Leave all items behind if you need to run to your nearest titan trunk!

Planktonic storms are a growing issue. Stay safe and follow all instructions, for yours, and other's, safety.

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