Sian Soarer

Sian soarers are a gigantic species of megabird from the Sian Lowlands, Looming Desert, and Siltlands on Norrab. These massive animals wander these desertified terrains, standing around thirteen feet tall. They are one of the region's apex predators, and one of Norrab's largest bird species.


There has been a lot of controversy as to whether these birds are a pterosaur or an avian. They possess qualities of both, and taxonomists have slotted them into a small order of pseudo-birds, but colloquially referred to as birds.

Ghost Soarer
Cornavis rubrostro clara
Found in the Looming Desert, they have a more white plumage than other subspecies.
Algol Soarer
Cornavis rubrostro algoliensis
A subspecies exclusive to the coastlines around the Algol Delta. A rare subspecies, with a population of around 2,000.
Marson Soarer
Cornavis rubrostro marsoni
Named after Nikal Ad Marson, these birds have a slightly darker plumage and are smaller than other subspecies.


Sian Soarer by Mochi

Sian soarers are the largest bird on Norrab in terms of height. Their physical anatomy resembles a large pterosaur, such as quetzalcoatlus, walking on two legs and two wings for support. These birds have an extremely long neck, with a gigantic head and bill.

Their bill is a bright red, which turns brighter during mating season. Feathers on the back of the head form what appear to be ears; their actual ears sit just behind their eyes.

Sian soarers have a wingspan of around 8 - 13 metres as adults. This varies between males and females, with females being much larger.

These birds have a small tail which serves little to no purpose. Some scientists believe a brightly coloured tail could help attract mates, as males have bright red, bushy feathers.


Sian soarers are strict carnivores. While they are mostly scavengers, feasting upon the corpses of gigantic animals, they will hunt the occasional small critter for fun.

These birds have been known to drag gigantic dead animals to nest colonies, for hundreds of birds to feast upon at once.

Reproduction & Growth

Sian Soarer Egg by Mochi
Uhh... do not wander into a nesting site of these birds. They *will* try and kill you. I mean, I've only got one arm left. That says enough.
— Poor norrabian

These birds lay seven to ten large eggs every nesting season. Males will go to great lengths to create the perfect nest. A giant mound of soil, pebbles, moss, fur, feathers, and any other gatherable resources are thrown together, hardened with clay, and formed in the shape of a tall vase, so that the female can lay her eggs inside and nothing can get in.

These nests can stand up to five metres tall, guarded by the male as the female sits on top. The male will gather food for his partner while she guards the nest's entrance. Due to the shape, the nest is self-warming, and no incubation from the mother is needed.

Sian soarers will form large colonies during nesting seasons, gathering in groups of hundreds to thousands to build their nests. There is great safety in numbers, as any predatory animals must fight through a barrage of fiercely territorial birds to get at any eggs.

Scientific Name
Cornavis rubrostro
Average Height
3 metres
Average Wingspan
8 - 13 metres

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Cover image: by Mochi


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