Specter Speak

A language based on hundreds of years of attempted communication with specters, specter speak is a complex language spoken in small regions around planet Norrab.

Communicating with the paranormal has always been a popular activity around the Yonderverse, many successfully communicating with spirits of the dead.

Specter speak is not an example of this. It is a mess of various misguided beliefs, forged throughout history, with no actual evidence that this language communicates with specters.

Specter speak is spoken throughout central and southern Aridara. It is particularly prominent around populations in the Looming Desert and Sian Lowlands. A sublanguage has evolved in each region, thanks to populations divided by the Algol Mountains.

Magic has been an important part of the culture of these regions for thousands of years, many practicing phantomancy.

Key Components

Clapping is a key part of the language, alerting specters of mortal presence, waking them up from a deep slumber.
Many specter speakers conjure small undead inanimals to aid them in the communication process.
Tongue Rolling
Many spoken words involve rolling the tongue, which is said to bridge a gap between the mortal and undead worlds.
Common Phrases
Are you present?
Please do not haunt me
Spoken by

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Cover image: by Mochi


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Jul 13, 2024 20:17 by CoolG

How do I speak this?? >.<

Explore the dark and mysterious Inferncenem, the bright and wonderful Caelumen or the magical and fantastical Ysteria   Have a good one!   Feel free to check out my Substack: CoolG's Awesome Worlds! Join the Discord and chat with like-minded people!
Jul 13, 2024 20:58 by Mochi

Hahaha..... yep

I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge!
Aug 9, 2024 08:22

*clap clap* Chllrlrlrhrhhrrlrl! Loolcuchlleel. Lllrlrhrhcch! *frantic clapping*

[they/them] Creator of Black Light, a science-fantasy universe.
Aug 9, 2024 09:38 by Mochi


I hope you have a great day!   Explore the endless planets brimming with life of the Yonderverse! Go after creatures, discover new places, and learn about the people you find along the way.   Summer Camp 2024 Reading Challenge!
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