Astral Compass Myth in YonZora | World Anvil

Astral Compass

There are few things in the world more rare or magical than a fallen star. Dislodged from its rightful home in the Astral Plane by some rare disturbance, this mote of pure magic has chanced to fall to YonZora. It is said among those that know, that whoever manages to find a Fallen Star will be granted a wish come true.   The passage of the star across the sky was tracked by sages and diviners, whose best estimates place the Fallen Star somewhere in the Sea of Azure, far from land. Adventurers from North and South Azure have searched the Sea of Azure hoping to find their fortune in the vast ocean of uncharted dangers. None of these adventures were ever seen again. It is even believed the great powerful ancient kingdom of Atlantis spent a century looking for the fallen star. To know avail the star has never been found. Some believe that the star was the cause of the great earth quake that destroyed the once and powerful kingdom of Atlantis.   It was believed that that there was a relic that points the way to the stars resting place. this supposed relic was called the Astral Compass. Not much is know about this relic or what it does some say that the compass was a creation of adventures to con investors into paying for there expedition's. The compass was never found as far as anyone knows.   This legendary artifact resembles an elaborate nautical compass, set in a polished wooden frame about nine inches wide. Shallow golden receptacles ring the compass, allowing fragments of astral metal to be clamped into place.   The compass is attracted to the Fallen Star. As the more shards are added to it gains additional powers.

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