Crimson Dragon Military Formation in YonZora | World Anvil

Crimson Dragon

The Crimson Dragon is the the main army of the realm of Avalon. These professional trained soldiers come from the ranks of the Crimson Guard who want to make a career in serving the King. The Crimson Dragon is usually located at large cities or a metropolis with the ability to cover several villages and small cities depending on the size of the area they are defending. The men in these armies are trained professional solders who are paid by the king. The men or women  serve a minimum of four years in the Crimson guard before being considered for the Crimson Dragon. The men and women who server the king for 20 years or more are compensated by the King for the rest of there lives.  The men and women of the Crimson Dragon can be stationed any where in Avalon and move to different duty stations as needed.  The Officers and senior NCO are often sent to villages to train the Crimson Guard to keep the pipeline of well trained professional soldiers needed to protect the King and Avalon. The Crimson Dragon colors of Crimson and Blue is easy to Distinguish from the Crimson Guard colors which are Crimson and Gold.



Depending on  the area that the Crimson Dragon is to defend the unit can be as small as a Regiment which is three Battalions with 930 professional trained soldiers to a Division which consists of four  Regiments of 3,720 Trained Professional soldiers. Three Divisions come under the command of a Brigade which is 11,160 Trained professional trained soldiers. There are Six Brigades in the realm of Avalon consisting of 66,960 trained professional trained soldiers. The 6th Brigade is a reserve Brigade and only active during time of war. These soldiers train a ten-day a month. The First Brigade is the Order of the Red Dragon the Kings Knights.


The Professional trained men of the Crimson Dragon are issued military standard issues of four sets of crimson and blue uniforms. The standard explorers pack with one extra water skin. Two sets of common clothes for the enlisted and two set of fine clothes for the officers. Fishing tackle, one healers kit, and one flask. Archers are issued two quivers. All soldiers are issued a wet stone.  The infantry is issued plate mail and shield. The archers are issued studded leather.


Every one is issued what is called a K-Bar (+1 Dagger) Infantry is issued a choice of weapon and shield or a two handed weapon with no shield. Archers are issued a long bow, two quivers, and a rapier or short sword.


Each squad is issued a cart A company is issued a wagon and a chow wagon A battalion is six supply wagons The officers are issued a war horse NCO'S are issued a standard horse.


The King is over all commander The Earl of a city is the area commander of more than one brigade if needed.  The Brigade is commanded by a Field Marshal The Division is commanded by a General The Regiment is commanded by Colonel  The Battalion is commanded by a Lieutenant Colonel The company is commanded by a Captain The Platoon is commanded by a Lieutenant  The squad is commanded by a Sergeant or Corporal A Colonel is also an XO of a Division,  A Lieutenant Colonel is also XO of a Regiment. A Major is a XO of Battalion, and a 1st Lieutenant is an XO of a company.


The trained Professional soldiers of the Kings army train on a daily basis which also includes patrols of the region they are in charge of.



The Men and women of the Crimson Dragon are recruited from the finest of the Crimson Guard who want to serve the King and the People of Avalon.


Historical loyalties

The trained professional soldiers of the Crimson Dragon are paid volunteers who's loyalty is to the King and the People of Avalon  to defend against any hostel threat that threatens the realm of Avalon.
4/10/ -5060
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy
Ranks & Titles


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