Crimson Guard.

The Crimson Guard is the local militia and law enforcement through out all of Avalon. The Crimson guard is a mix of older veteran's from the Crimson Dragon, the king's regular army, and young soldiers who are in training to become full fledged regular army in the Crimson Dragon. The Crimson guard in smaller towns are the first line of defense till the Crimson Dragon or Order of the Red Dragon arrive. This unit is volunteer only. They never have a shortage of volunteer's. While these young men and women are being trained to serve in the regular army their other duties also include enforcing the King laws by maintaining law & order. Colors are Crimson and Silver.



Depending on the size of the town the manpower of the crimson fist consist of a squad of Four to a battalion of 310 men.


  • The Crimson Guard carry the following standard issue equipment:
  • Two Sets of common clothes
  • explorer backpack
  • Splint Mail.  


  • Long Sword
  • Short Sword
  • Heavy Crossbows
  • Dagger


War Horses.


Squad of Four (Corporal) Platoon is three squads with sergeant and lieutenant (14) Company is four Platoons with a Captain 1st lieutenant as XO 1st Sergeant, and a clerk. (60) Battalion is 5 companies with a Colonel and Major (XO) as leaders Sergeant Major, and Seven Clerks. (310)


The crimson fist is the training ground for the Crimson Dragons. When they are not enforcing the law they constantly training learning the maneuvers of the regular army.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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