Egyptian Ethnicity in YonZora | World Anvil


The Egyptian is reddish-brown, while the Nubian is black. Each group is also marked with their own distinctive hairstyles and clothing. In the regions where the Egyptian Pharaohs rule the men are the dominate and the women are treated as second class citizens. The Egyptians are extreme raciest. If you are not Egyptian than you are looked at as a second class citizen with no rights. If you are non human the Egyptian will enslave you or try and wipe out your race as they attempted to do this with tiefling and dragonborn races. They believe that there pantheons are the strongest. They rule with an iron fist.  Egyptian clothing was filled with a variety of colors. Adorned with precious gems and jewels, the fashions of the ancient Egyptians were made for not only beauty but also comfort. Egyptian fashion was created to keep cool while in the hot desert.


Major language groups and dialects

Arabic, common

Common Etiquette rules

If a husband and wife are together the woman and children are to walk behind the husband. No male  is to speak to the wife at all except the husband. If a women is out by herself doing her wifely duties she is to travel with other women and have a list of the things that she needs. She is only to talk to women of markets areas she goes to. If she speaks to a man other than her husband she is to be flogged in public.

Common Dress code

Men can wear what they want while the women away from their homes have to be completely covered and showing no woman features. There faces are to be covered only showing there eyes.

Coming of Age Rites


Common Taboos

Men will not follow female leadership no matter what.


Gender Ideals

The men make all the decisions in this culture. The women for the most part have no rights or say so in anything. There faces are to be covered at all times if they are away from their homes. The sons of the family even have more rights than the mother once they reach the age of rites. Men can do anything they want only to be questioned by other men, or the law. The women have no say so but to obey the law of there husbands fathers, and even sons at the right moment.

Courtship Ideals

Arranged marriages


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