Festival of Birth Tradition / Ritual in YonZora | World Anvil

Festival of Birth

Festival of Birth is celebrated with great pleasure. It's a holiday with spiritual roots,  but today it is mostly associated with bonding with friends, outdoor food parties, face painting and kindness for others. This Holiday is celebration of the new year and the creation of YonZora by the four Pantheons.


This historical Holiday was started by the gods of the pantheons of YonZora. Back when the Roman and Egyptian pantheons agreed to share the planet.


This Holiday is observed by all races of YonZora in some form or another.


This holiday is observed between the last day of the month of Luna and the first day of Zeus. This is also a day that does not count of the calendar and is a free tax day.  It has been known that the gods of the different beliefs to bless the people with some kind of blessing.


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