Festival of Life Tradition / Ritual in YonZora | World Anvil

Festival of Life

Festival of Life is celebrated with much gratification. It's a holiday with divine roots, but today it is mostly associated with helping strangers, outdoor food parties, the birth on new life, and the coming of spring. Watching special shows, special dances, and contest are common during these holidays.


The holiday was started on the continent of Sappire by the Egyptian ruler's to celebrate the beginning of life. The Egyptians would sacrifice a virgin every year. The Greek and Norse worshippers stopped this practice. No one is sure if the Egyptian's and Roman's still practice this.


This day is considered a tax free day and does not count on calandars


This is a national holiday that is celebrated by all civilized races of YonZora.


Celebrated between the last day of the month of Ares and the first day of the month Diana.


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